[center][img]https://imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img] [h1]VV[/h1][/center] [h2][color=gray]D-Cell 2.1[/color][/h2] [sub][@Qia], [@Silver Carrot], [@Wayward][/sub] [hr][hr][center][hider=][youtube]https://youtu.be/ar1_kgEZgwo?si=Nwq-LsDcl7Pzvuon[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] [quote=A]”Where are we?”[/quote] VV gave a sympathetic look, patting A on the shoulder. [b]“That was you who tried busting us out the first time, right? I don't know how you did that, but that was a very brave thing you did.”[/b] VV looked around their cell.[b] “I'm not sure, but I'd say we're still in the same facility…”[/b] Her gaze turned to Pia, face in her hands, and grimaced. [quote=Pia][color=purple]"Why is this happening to us? What did we do to deserve any of this?"[/color][/quote] [i]“Do you not smell the darkness on you? …I do.”[/i] VV stiffened, very vividly hearing a voice in her head. [i]“What the hell?”[/i] A chuckle.[i] “You might have subjugated me, but I haven't disappeared into the void.”[/i] Her forehead starting to glean with sweat, VV tried ignoring the voice in her head. She was in control here, nothing or no one else. If she was hearing the monster that cornered them in the Archives Room, she'd carry that burden. At least it couldn't hurt them now. [i]“I wouldn't be so sure…”[/i] [i]“Shut up!” [/i]VV glared at the wall, screaming in her thoughts. A breath, and she looked back at Pia. Her face crumpled a bit, empathizing. [b]“None of us deserve what's going on here.” [/b]She said, but there was a lack of confidence in her words. Who was she, before she lost her memories…? Did they… really deserve this? That's when D spoke. VV listened, finding herself nodding along. He was making a lot of sense. At least, before he tried punching out the door. [quote=D][color=9e0b0f]"Guess that's out of the question! Anyone else got an idea?"[/color][/quote] Before VV could speak again, the steel slid open on its own. On the other side was a hallway, a scientist and two guards, similarly dressed to the armed soldiers they saw before. The scientist was dressed in a lab coat, clipboard in his hand. He looked down at them dispassionately, before a wide, I sincere smile spread over his face. [b]“Well, well. The abandoned project has been reinstated. Consider this your lucky day, A8-130, PG-414, DM-066, and VV-007. We'll be doing some minor surgeries today.”[/b] The clicked a pen, scribbling something on their clipboard, before they looked over their group of subjects. [b]“You are free to mingle for twenty minutes. After that, you're expected at the main gate of the D-class Wing where your escorts and I will be waiting.”[/b] The scientist began walking away. [b]“Don't dilly-dally too much, my precious subjects.”[/b] If they were to peek their head out of their opened cell door, they would find a small hallway with similar white walls waiting for them. In the hallway, nameplates labeled other opened doors: 2.3 across from them, 2.2 beside, and 2.4 across and adjacent to the security wing section. 2.2 appeared empty, an exact copy of their cell. They could hear muffled moaning in 2.3, and in 2.4, a haggard face poked out. They were dressed in similar prison garb, and was waving the group over with little ‘psst’s. At the end of the hall, there was an opened door that led into the D-class Wing, where guards would walk by often. The scientist was in the wing, scribbling on their clipboard as they waited for their subjects.