[quote=@Crimson Flame] Lol Suicide Boy. Considering it’s Scott Grayson, I would have thought Jean would have Amalgamated with Starfire. [/quote] I was just spit-ballin', but in the beginning all the Titan boys had a crush on Donna Troy so... [quote=@Polaris North] Hi, hi! I wanted to throw my interest into the ring. I was considering Grant Emerson (Damage) combined with Alexander Summers (Havok) - their powers work pretty much the same though so I was thinking of them just absorbing energy, converting it to either a concussive or plasma blast by choice? Could be interesting to have it so that he is still related to Scott but was raised in a foster family instead. Not entirely sure on the name yet, probably going to be Reactor LOL [/quote] Damage and Havok are two of my favorites, so I'm game for seeing this get fleshed out. Our characters could secretly have the same dad or mother, one could be adopted, etc. I was thinking only one parent would die in my story and out of grief put the child up for adoption before going and having another one with a new partner.