[@Bacon] Hello there! Welcome to the site and thanks for the interest. To be honest, I've never actually been in a PMD RP either, so this is all new to me. The earlier entries (Up to Explorers of Sky) are what I'm drawing the most inspiration from in terms of finer details like items and so forth. But this project for the most part should wind up being its own thing, so hopefully no one will need that much experience in order to get into it. That said, there's plenty of things I'll be going for in this RP that will put off plenty of people (such as fusions like [url=https://i.ibb.co/ccKxkHQ/2-8.webp]this guy[/url]), so I probably won't be the one to go to for that pure and simple PMD experience. I can't guarantee that this will click with you when all's said and done, but I can guarantee that it [i]will[/i] be finished and open someday. Would be cool if I see you again when that happens, but in the meantime, don't be afraid to check out another of the site's other RPs to join. A good deal of them would be happy to have you. And if you have any questions about how to navigate this place or whatever, feel free to ask around and someone will surely get you sorted. I hope you enjoy your time here.