Aura squinted at the imp as it spoke. These beings were notorious liars, at least that is what she was told. But then again, so were Genie according to most people who asked so maybe who was she to judge. [color=bc8dbf]"So you are saying that these goods you have, come with no strings attatched other than some mysterious terms and conditions. Accepting these cloths won't bind us to some favor for your masters, and won't cause us what we would consider harm in any way both mental, physical, and emotional?"[/color] The air genasi questioned eyeing the creature suspisiously. She had to admit she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to handle the cold air much longer. She was used to much warmer weather and they hadn't exactly packed for the cold. Which reminded her, she would have to ask Jormund later if his northern man were known for bringing the cold with them or if this was something new he had no clue about. She couldn't recall if it has been mentioned before or not.