[center] [img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Hojo%20Tokimune/Hojo%20Tokimune%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img] [b]Rogue Saber, Higashiyama Ward[/b] [/center] [hr] As Tokimune felt the presence of a servant in his territory, the rogue saber immediately headed out to investigate, finding the servant and what presumably was his master on the temple grounds. Tokimune frowned. The Master seemed to be a native of this country, and yet he had chosen to contract what appeared to be a foreign Heroic Spirit rather than one from Japan. He supposed he should see for himself if this foreign servant was strong enough to merit such insolence from the young Master...if they were foolish enough at least. [quote=@Iamme] "[color=00a651]There was a temple nearby but I didn't think to note it[/color]" Shou pondered for a moment before talking "[color=00a651]If there's no one using it which is unlikely we could use it as a base of operations but if there are people we could at least procure some supplies[/color]" [/quote] [color=0072bc]"And how, pray tell, are you about to 'procure' these supplies?"[/color] Tokimune replied as he materialised himself in front of the two. Tokimune then turned to Shou, levelling him with a glare, "You are among those seeking the Grail, are you not? Using this place as a base will surely invite violence into this holy ground. You do yourself a dishonour, no man of this nation should have such disregard for temples and the gods whose blessing protected this land." He continued, turning to Berserker, "And you, foreign warrior. Take your master and go. This territory—this entire ward of Higashiyama—belongs to me, to be a shelter for the people of this city who heeded my words and sought safety from the Holy Grail War. Now begone, I have no interest in the Holy Grail nor the miracles it grants. As long as the two of you refrain from entering my territory, I shall stay my blade, but..." Drawing his katana, he declared, "Should you insist on claiming this territory your own, or make it a battlefield for the war...then I, Rogue Saber, shall claim your heads!"