[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230205/f69dd2f75b7475275d406e055ff4e99c.png[/img] [color=537DAE][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [/center][hr] The adjustment of his armor became a kind of obsession over the next five days, spending a couple hours each night making small changes here and there that he was convicted would make a difference. Arton's dour demeanor present at the briefing slowly lifted with each passing day, though he was not back to normal. No one had approached him regarding his conversation with Eliane so he could only assume she was keeping the information tight to her chest. He appreciated her discretion but he had no more plans to keep it secret. It was as his master said: [color=7bcdc8][i]"One cannot face the future without first confronting the past."[/i][/color]. Arton had become referring to the mark on his right shoulder simply as the [b][i]'Blight Mark'[/i][/b], and he quickly grew accustomed to the dull, aching pain it caused against their numerous fights as the blight-beast. A part of him wished he would be able to somehow learn to predict or sense the monsters' movements, but it was nothing more than a painful reminder. He had started to hone in on the lessons he learned from Izayoi, no longer hesitating when danger crashed down on them. The swordsman, however, was normally the one hurt when injuries were sustained by the party. They were never more serious than a quick healing session with Miina couldn't fix. He stood anxiously waiting to charge into battle as they observed the battle between Valheim and the blight-beasts from a distance. They had found them at last and he was one step closer to finding answers. Arton wore a long cloak underneath layered armor plates that covered his vital areas and outer limbs. He could feel the heat of the desert weaving into the cracks, but his work seemed to be holding up. It would soon be tested in combat as the airships arrived on scene carrying a deadly payload. Arton followed the wave of magic Eve sent towards the Revenant, using its impact to position him against the goliath and ready his arms against it. His true strength showed as the Katana sliced against his shield yet he stood his ground even as his feet began to dig into the ground. There was no room for him to counterattack. His reactions and speed had gotten better since training with Izayoi but this...this was beyond that. As he waited for his allies to join in, he began to feel as though the strikes were picking up speed and gaining power. Whatever it was, it was testing his ability and looking for weaknesses. The swordsman had to brace his shield with his other hand at the next strike. Its force came down with enough powerful to drop Arton to one knee and left a distinct dent in the dense shield. He wasn't quite sure if what he heard next was a laugh or a growl, but the next strike sent him backwards into the air as the Revenant swung from his side. He had just managed to position his shield in time but the force of the strike had torn the sword from his hand.