[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/EK7KLwe.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: The Eye of the Beholder[/sub][/cell][/row][/table] [color=9a45dc]“Mr… Porter…”[/color] Ivor slowly pronounced, [color=9a45dc]“the man who flew…”[/color] it would not be easy, but the wild one would remember this. Before Ivor could test his sharpened vocabulary, the man took off into the night sky, leaving nary but a gust of wind in his wake. Brow furrowed and determination unwavering, he waved to the figure as it grew smaller in the distance, [color=9a45dc]“Goodbye, Mr. Porter!”[/color] Proud of himself, he nodded in affirmation of this small achievement in overcoming the language barrier. [color=B1E4FC][i]"Oh! Ivor, uhm.. Who is this?"[/i][/color] It wasn’t until the young woman questioned him about his companion that his mind returned to the task at hand. With a pang of anxiety his whole body shifted around to inspect the rider; she was still there, good, but seemed..colder now, tired, desperate. [color=9a45dc]“Rider! I nearly forgot!”[/color] Ivor planted himself on the other side of the rider and Miss Eris, wondering what he should even do in this situation. The Rider was weak, but the inn was right there, but perhaps she could make it there herself, lean on him like a crut- [color=bc8dbf][i]“By the moon, I need it.”[/i][/color] A more desperate plea could not have been uttered; with furrowed brows, Ivor knew what must be done. [color=9a45dc]“Forgive me, but I presume to carry you!”[/color] Without further context or clarification Ivor’s massive mitts grasped onto the furs and hides of the woman’s armor, hoisting her up with a grunt over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Ivor had a mission, one he intended to complete quickly, but there was Miss Eris. He looked down at the young woman, she looked pale, was she sick? Cold? How long had she been out here for? WAS THAT A SHIVER JUST NOW? [color=9a45dc]“Miss Eris, I presume to carry you too!”[/color] Again without hesitation, the other woman was even more easily hoisted to his other shoulder as he began bounding for the tavern doors. Eris’s eyes grew wide as Ivor effortlessly tossed the injured Lunarian women over his shoulder and proceeded to reach for her. [color=B1E4FC]"Oh! Ivor, there’s really no neeEEEED!!"[/color] she shrieked, her voice rising in panic. In one swift motion, he lifted her as if she weighed no more than a feather and slung her over his other shoulder. Terrified, Eris clung to his clothing for dear life as she stared down at the ground, silently praying to Aelios that Ivor would not drop her from such a height. The earth shook beneath him, the patrons inside may have even taken notice, but that was irrelevant as soon as his boot made contact with the wooden door, the timber material flying off its frame. The giant then made his way inside to the shocked gazes of the tavern's denizens before hurriedly scanning for the hearth. When his eyes met with the licking flames he shouted the only warning he could think of at that moment, [color=9a45dc]“Beware!”[/color] Beware the wild one as he bounded onward to the open flames, both warmth and sanctuary for his fellow compatriots. [color=9a45dc]“Beware!”[/color] Eris buried her face into Ivor’s shoulder as he kicked down the door to the inn, a mix of embarrassment and horror flooding her senses at the spectacle he was creating. As she felt something fuzzy and soft against her cheek, she recoiled slightly and looked down, realizing with a surge of disgust that she had pressed her face into the tail of a dead squirrel Ivor had recently hunted. Feeling her cheeks burn hot, the brunette glanced up just as the large blight-born man began to bellow, “beware!” Her heart sank, knowing that his dramatic entrance would either provoke drawn swords or send people fleeing if they didn't recognize him. [color=B1E4FC]"Uh- N- No!"[/color] She stammered, her voice wavering with every bounce upon Ivor’s shoulder. The words emerged in a staccato rhythm, [color=B1E4FC]"I-It’s.. f-fine..Ev-ery-one!"[/color] Persephone was lifted bodily and she did not have the strength to resist or explain before she was over the giant's shoulder and could feel the earth move with the heavy and bounding tread. The Inn was close, had she doomed herself before she could have got to safety in merely less than a minute? With no energy left to fight the Lunarian woman let the vibration move with her and did not fight it, this seemed to lessen any chance of injury as she could not tense up and held her panic response back even as wood seemed to break and her mental discipline was severely tested.. purely her instinct was both helping and causing her problems right now. Beware... she was not even sure. Was he like some kind of troll or trying to not trample people... for all she could not see! But one voice did call to her, however quiet one she would recognise anywhere. [color=bc8dbf]"Adon... is..."[/color] She called out with what force of will she still had, [color=bc8dbf]"Lunaris, Help... need fire"[/color] The tall Knight turned to the commotion faster than his state probably should have allowed but he felt something, something important. Two women, a broken door and one in Lunarian Uniform? That cloak? It looked like the one he got his... Not one to be unprepared, unwilling, but also not foolish either he kept one hand on his sword's hilt. [color=6ecff6]"Now. Mind your next words. Why you got these women?"[/color] He was slow, deliberate and almost knew that one might be someone he was so close to, but remained calm but firm in command. As surely as Ivor had started, he was just as quickly stopped by a man not unlike himself; vetted by the trials of age, yet nowhere near ready to stop. Though he stood a full foot shorter than Ivor, his firm tone caused the bigger man to stop and think briefly. Choose? Careful? Words? Ivor let out something between a frustrated grunt and an exhausted groan; this man was testing him, now of all times? Ms. Eris had done something like this before, she called them ‘pop quizzes’ and Ivor would need to think on his feet to pass her test. Why was this stranger doing this now of all times? He seemed dressed like the other Lunarian soldiers, but also stronger, not just in ability, but in leadership. Was he a knight? Why would a knight test him? Did he not see the damsels? Did he not see the distress on Ivor’s face? Ivor really needed to reevaluate the accuracy of the book choices Ms. Eris was giving him. The giant danced on the balls of his feet anxiously, based on the question he decided to just recount everything, word by word, quickly. [color=9a45dc]“Rider. Mountain. Hard. Horse. Neigh. Calm. Help! Cold! Brrr! Sled. Drag. Friends! Hello! Forget. Panic! Grab. Run. Smash. Stop…”[/color] His pace quickened as he watched the unchanging blank expression of the man in front of him. Were these not the right words? Had he chosen wrong? Damn it all, he had no time for this! After a brief pause without a response, Ivor simply commanded, [color=9a45dc]“Move!”[/color] Before shoving his way past to deliver the women to the comfort of the flames. He allowed the more lively Eris to slide down his frame first before carefully seating the rider in front of the fire. [color=B1E4FC]"Ivor!"[/color] Eris gasped as the blight-born man pushed his way past the stranger. Still clinging to Ivor’s shoulder, she felt her heart race as the tension grew. She didn’t recognize the knight dressed in Lunarian armor, but his presence seemed to demand respect and immediate answers. [color=B1E4FC]"Ivor, p-please!"[/color] she stammered, her voice small and nearly lost in the chaos. She glanced nervously at the knight, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and fear that the situation would escalate. It was always hard to tell how a Lunarian soldier would react. Was this one just as short tempered as the others she had come across? Finally, as Ivor set her down in front of the hearth, Eris sighed a breath of relief. Gathering her courage as Ivor tended to the other woman, she looked directly at the knight. [color=B1E4FC]"He found this woman in need of help."[/color] She glanced back towards the Lunarian woman who was looking weaker by the moment. [color=B1E4FC]"Ivor... h-he only wants to get her to safety. This is all a misunderstanding."[/color] She looked back towards the knight, her eyes pleading with him not to be too upset with her companion. To say Coswain was confused was to say a rather frank understatement. He was still trying to make light of the absurd situation he was in when the giant pushed past him to get to the fire. Letting the momentum carry him and moving with it knowing from long experience fighting it would have been impossible. [color=6ecff6]”I will not hesitate if you hurt her.”[/color]. His words were practically a growl almost. Immediately he gestured for his companions to stand down, too many civilians, too tight quarters, the two women too close. He had ran the moves several times and alterations in under a second and every one ended up with a bad plan for him or close bystanders, and he did not live long as he had being a fool. He did not have to suffer fools though. Then he was looking down at the smaller woman, her style more Auralian in nature. [color=6ecff6]”If this is trick, I can carry judgment.”[/color] He said warningly and clearly willing to follow it but a look at her gear, gear he had cleaned so many times. He knew well as his own, made his hand drop, his concern magnified past his anger. [color=6ecff6]”Persephone … by the moon goddess how”[/color] He paused mid way unsure how she could have even ended up here, she was In capital when he departed! Yes they took a slow ride with the cart.. [color=bc8dbf]”Adon.. I made it …”[/color] The woman said weakly and tried to look towards the familiar voice. Even now, weak as she was, she struggled to move and the angry man did not look so angry anymore. Ivor looked between the two of them and recognized there was a bond as a small smile graced his lips. [color=9a45dc]“Rest now, you are in good place,”[/color] he nodded before standing and turning towards the man, [color=9a45dc]“Rider…”[/color] Ivor grunted, pounding his closed fist against his chest, [color=9a45dc]“Strong.”[/color] Ivor nodded once more and feeling that the Lunarians may want to commune with one another, he diverted his attention to Eris who appeared more frazzled than he remembered. [color=9a45dc]“Miss Eris, are you well? I did not hurt you in the presuming?”[/color] Eris breathed a sigh of relief as the knight suddenly recognized the woman Ivor had found, unaware she had been holding her breath while he glared at them and issued warnings. She observed them closely, trying to discern their connection, but her attention snapped back to Ivor as he spoke. [color=B1E4FC]"Ivor, you cannot do things like that."[/color] She scolded him, clearly upset. [color=B1E4FC]"You..."[/color] She pointed at him, then spread her arms wide, emphasizing, [color=B1E4FC]"Biiiig.."[/color] Her gaze fixed on him, brows furrowed in concern. [color=B1E4FC]"Scary."[/color] She simplified her words, making sure he understood. Her eyes then scanned the inn, noting the alarmed patrons now on edge with the commotion. Ivor’s eyes grew wide as Eris chastised him, and despite how tiny she was compared to him, the roles were reversed as realization and embarrassment settled in. [color=9a45dc]“Oh no…Miss Eris I think I did the ‘too much talking’ and not enough of ‘the listening’ again…”[/color] the giant scratched his head. Feeling something trickle down her cheek, Eris quickly wiped her face and looked down to find the unmistakable color of blood. [color=B1E4FC]"Goddess above..."[/color] The brunette groaned, wiping her hand off on her skirts and using her clothed shoulder to try to make sure she got rid of any more remnants of the blood. Glancing at the squirrel she had inadvertently pressed her face into while riding on Ivor's shoulder, she noticed fresh blood speckling its tail, which had transferred onto her cheek. [color=B1E4FC]"Ugh,"[/color] she shivered, thoroughly disgusted. She would surely be visiting the hot spring later today. Turning her attention back to the mystery woman, Eris slipped past Ivor and scanned the room for someone to assist. Fortunately, she didn't have to look far. Eris spotted Sya and her big blue eye almost immediately, though Sya's expression wasn't pleased after Ivor's abrupt entrance had shattered the door to the inn. [color=B1E4FC]"Sya,"[/color] Eris called out, approaching with concern etched on her face, [color=B1E4FC]"Could we get some water for her? And soup, perhaps? She's in a bad way."[/color] She frowned, casting a regretful glance at the damaged door. [color=B1E4FC]"I... apologize about the door. We'll arrange to have it fixed..."[/color] Eris didn't know the first thing about repairing a door, but she was sure she could find someone to help her. [color=a2d39c]”Coming right out… Hot stew. But you will replace that. Ivor. you owe me some meat. And not some half starved squirrel.”[/color] Sya vanished quickly into the back not before fixing Ivor and Eris with a glare and a stern look respectively; she did not forget him smashing her door off the hinges. Maybe she should have stayed and let Olivia have her chance at more… active cuddling. [color=a2d39c]”Bloody Barbarians… Rather try that… number. Thingy position Olivia whispered...”[/color] Sya grumbled as rushed out the food and drink to the woman. They could work out who to bill… The Knight saw the situation was screwed up, he was annoyed but right now priorities. [color=6ecff6]”Its under Control, Hector, try and least get the door upright at least. make some space. Keep us warm.”[/color] He called out to try and restore some calmost before he kneeled down and used the furs as a pillow gently holding the woman's hand. [color=6ecff6]”Hot meal coming Seph, Smells pretty good too.”[/color] He tried to be confident despite his concerns digging deep. Hector was worried for his friend as looked over examining the wrecked door and frame, that was more like a battering ram hit… though watching a giant bring seemingly challenged by a tiny innkeeper was a small light in the dark. [color=fff79a]”Fierce little lady, We do not want her angry at us… We have to live here.”[/color] He thought that as he saw the small hooded woman heading over and her body language was a little frosty. [color=9a45dc]“Ack, Feh! Syraeia!”[/color] He reverted back to his mother tongue, she was one of the few people here knew it, at least something akin to it, [color=9a45dc]“You’ll get a half-starved stag instead, but I got plenty of kills, take your pick for the door, oh and for Rider’s food too!”[/color] His voice boomed out to her in the back. Ivor looked at his handiwork, a solid foot sized dent embedded dead center in the splintered timber, the knights were already prepping to lift it up. He felt it was his responsibility to clean up his mess though, no need to get the others involved. Stepping towards them Ivor spoke, “Please Lunarans, let Ivor fix, is my burden to bear.” The Lunarians looked at one another before nodding solemnly, then he stepped in, gripped the door's edge and lifted it upright. Gaining a better grip, Ivor carried the door back to its broken frame and with a mighty heave, wedged the splintered pieces back together like a layer of velcro, the wood fibers intermingling with one another. This was far from a perfect solution, but at least the door would keep out the cold. [hr] [sub]Collaboration with [@PrinceAlexus] & [@BeastofDestiny][/sub]