Rala had been quiet for most of the ride, a stoic disposition sparsely interrupted by bitter utterances grunted out. Still, she couldn't help but prefer the sanctity of the open road. Besides her companion's prattling and the wagon wheels, the only other noises came from nature in an almost serene calm. As they grew nearer the cold took over, and Rala further sequestered into her stuffy cloak, letting it shroud her body and contain her body heat but it was hardly enough. The group was eventually stopped by an imp, conveniently selling warmer clothes, lavish clothes at that. Rala couldn't help but smirk as the others made their apprehension clear. It was nice knowing she wasn't in the company of fools. The imp's persistence left her irritated and the longer she looked at his blemish of a face, the harder it became for her to contain her distaste for the devil and his master. [color=RosyBrown]"Then I guess it will stay a mystery. Only a fool deals with a hoofkisser"[/color] She chided, fiery anger erupting from her words. [color=RosyBrown]"do you take us for fools, imp?"[/color]