[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjU5NTU1NS5SbVZzYkhkcGJtYy4y/great-vibes.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] Fellwing was glad she and Garrock were on better terms now; otherwise, some petty part of her would've struggled to admit how impressively fast the old dragon was, given his... everything. Now? Now she could be openly amazed as she struggled to keep pace, wings flapping to push her forward when her legs failed to do so fast enough. Thankfully, Garrock made a brief stop once they were outside, giving the Seer time to likewise reorient herself. ... Only for Garrock to, [i]understandably[/i], opt to take flight and leave her in the dust not a moment later.[i] Moons above,[/i] this day could hardly get any worse. Fellwing couldn't wait for better wings. Or, failing that, better [i]luck[/i]. With a heavy sigh, she pushed herself into a run, neck craned to keep track of the old dragon in the sky. Hopefully, he was a slower flier than he was a runner. [hider=ooc]Fellwing rolled for traverse the wilderness, and got an [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/27015]8[/url].[/hider] [/color]