Aura looked at her party memebers. Rala and Flicker were both usually distrusting so this was not out of the ordinary for them. However she wasn't sure if Cascade was paranoid because of religious reasons but the lack of trust was out of character for her, at least from what Aura could tell. She did know one thing however. If the cold here was as unusual as it seemed she doubted the people of Zephyr would have been prepared for it, and she also doubted the Northern Men would be willing to share the wealth, so to speak, when it came to warm clothes. Aura moved to snatch the scroll out of the imp's hand. Holding it away from both it, and her party members in case they thought she was dumb enough to just read it outright without asking questions. [color=bc8dbf]"Reading this isn't binding is it? I can read it and decide if I want to sign or not?"[/color] She asked the imp quickly before turning to her party members and friends. [color=bc8dbf]"Look, I get the paranoia but unless you want to be everyone's walking heater,"[/color] she pointed at Flicker, [color=bc8dbf]"or any of you all want to freeze to death before we get a chance to help Cascade's family and village. It is at least worth a look. So long as I get an answer to my question that is satisfactory. And if need be I will take the brunt of whatever comes of this in the future."[/color] Her attention went back to the Imp, waiting for it's answer.