Two more coins pass from the Drow to the Tiefling. He no longer speaks to her, his business with her concluded. His toothy smile swivels from granting her its focus to leaving her in his realm of ignorance once again. He heeds her words and casts his pale gaze to the bartender, then to the wizard drinking on her lonesome. His eyes narrow at the cat. He lifts his hands and pulls his hood back, his lips moving in a slow recitation of an incantation. With his hood back, his left hand made a sharp gesture by his head, in conjunction with the words- it was clear that magic was occuring, and whatever strangeness that meant was made apparent as Zaraknvyr took a step forward then [i]meowed[/i]. [sub]OOC: Spell slot spent to cast 'speak with animals'[/sub] [i]"Fellow hunter, kindred to me, what drink does your mistress favor?"[/i] He would call to the cat as he approached Tabiah. He would claim the seat beside her, wordless to the woman herself, and depending on the cat's answer he would bark an order to Riaen for a refill of that substance and place down another gold coin to overpay for the drink. If the cat does not answer, he simply barks out a cheap beer then pays the same gold coin. At last he would speak. "You travel alone. I learned your path, we tread the same way. I can fight. More importantly, I can kill. Join my company."