[@RoadkilBanana] Do you mind if I ask what you're playing? My thoughts on this contract: Clause I: The Client(s) shall at their discretion surrender the specified Exchange Items, as listed in Addendum A, to the Provider. These Exchange Items shall become the property of the Provider, without the right of reclamation. So they could take these clothes from us at any point in exchange for like 6 million ball bearings, sounds like a bad deal. Clause IV: The Client(s) acknowledge that some Rewards may have infernal taint, and as such, the Provider cannot be held responsible for any physical, mental, or spiritual consequences resulting from their usage or possession. So they could be tainted and harm us mentally, spiritually or physically despite him saying they wouldn't. Maybe he is just lying and hoping we don't read? Clause VI: The Client(s) understand and acknowledge that the Provider reserves the right to alter or amend the nature of the Rewards at its discretion, though any changes shall not diminish the overall value of the exchange. So if we sign this they can just give us something else, like the before mentioned 6 million ballbearings? Clause VIII: The Client(s) acknowledge and understand that the exchange outlined in this Agreement carries eternal implications. The Provider reserves the right to claim the Client(s)' souls upon their deaths, transporting them to the Nine Hells for eternal servitude, should the Client(s) have any outstanding debts as described in Clause VII at the time of the termination of this mortal coil. Once again he lied, as he said they wouldn't make us agree to that just to get some of his stuff.