Oh don't worry Aura will be bringing some of this stuff up. I was just playing my online DnD session so I haven't had a chance to formulate a post yet. :P But here are my/Aura's thoughts. Clause I: The Client(s) shall at their discretion surrender the specified Exchange Items, as listed in Addendum A, to the Provider. These Exchange Items shall become the property of the Provider, without the right of reclamation. -Pretty sure this is refering to the exchange of money for goods. The wording is a little weird but that just seems like the act of trading/selling to me. [@rush99999] can correct me if I am wrong there Clause IV: The Client(s) acknowledge that some Rewards may have infernal taint, and as such, the Provider cannot be held responsible for any physical, mental, or spiritual consequences resulting from their usage or possession. -This also seemed normal in terms of the...more exotic things on the sale list like supernatural knowledge and secrets of the multiverse, as well as the potential for some of the magical items to be cursed. Clause VI: The Client(s) understand and acknowledge that the Provider reserves the right to alter or amend the nature of the Rewards at its discretion, though any changes shall not diminish the overall value of the exchange. -This one here is where warning flags start going off. "The Provider" (unclear if this is the imp itself, the hag, or the hag's higher power so that needs to be clarified) aka the sales person can just decide, Oh, that fancy sword you have is no longer a sword but rather, in the words of Birdboy, 6 million ball bearings. After the exchange of goods. Don't like that is all. Clause VII: While bound by this Agreement, the Client(s) are forbidden from willingly, knowingly, and directly acting against the interests of the Provider. Any breach of this Clause shall render this Agreement null and void, and all Rewards must be returned to the Provider. If Rewards cannot be returned to the provider for any reason, the Client(s) will instead owe debts to the Provider equal to the value of the Rewards that could not be returned. -This one is really where Aura starts to have problems. This is essentually saying that whoever, if anyone, signs the contract/purchases goods cannot in any way go against Nanna May and her associates or they forfeight the items purchased. Though it seems that just signing the contract activates this clause in particular. Clause VIII: The Client(s) acknowledge and understand that the exchange outlined in this Agreement carries eternal implications. The Provider reserves the right to claim the Client(s)' souls upon their deaths, transporting them to the Nine Hells for eternal servitude, should the Client(s) have any outstanding debts as described in Clause VII at the time of the termination of this mortal coil. -This one is an extention of the one before it. Meaning for example, if we purchased food items, and then consumed said food items, we would be unable to return said items if we broke Clause VII so we would then owe whatever the item was worth, in either favors or gold. Then IF we died while still owing the debt they would take our soul. Which, in a round about way is still a soul deal and they were lied to, if not directly.