[i]Great Bazaar, Market Ward, Sigil[/i] [@Lurking Krog] [@Abstract Proxy] [@Guardian Angel Haruki] "Oh, it's quite alright," Lissandra says as Mariel apologises for her tardiness. "I understand Sigil can be difficult to navigate it when you're not used to it, and it has more than a few distractions." If she noticed the blood on Mariel's shoe, she didn't comment on it, merely smiling warmly at the druid. She claps her hands together. "Well, it seems we're all here now. Unless there's anything else, I will show you to the portal now." If no one says anything, Lissandra started making her way through the bazaar. The group will quickly note as they started following that Lissandra actually finds it quite easy to navigate Sigil, as she very easily weaves through the crowd and spares very few glances towards the stalls and shops. In fact, when her gaze does drift from directly in front of her, it's not the shops that seem to catch her attention. It's archways, doorways, windows, and even things like puddles on the ground, or mirrors and cauldrons that are for sale: anything that can serve as a portal seems to draw her eye, and everything else around it is simply white noise. For Aaliyah, Beigeiros and Mariel it's likely a different story, as there are so many shops and stalls vying for their attention, from a boastful human hunter selling armors that she claims are made from parts of creatures she's hunted, to a night hag smiling crookedly as she asks if anyone wants to try her mystery meat pies, to an alchemy shop that has a variety of odors drifting from it as multicolored smoke wafts out from the doors and windows. Eventually, Lissandra comes to a stop outside a small store with the sign 'Trailblazers' painted very neatly in fiery red above the front door, with the last part of the word looking like it is appropriately bursting into flames. "Here we are," she says, pointing towards the shop. "This'll take you right to Tradegate." Her eyes suddenly widen as if she's just remembered something. "Ah yes... you'll need the portal key, just give me a moment." She starts rummaging through her bag. Nearby there is an ice cream stall run by a bheur hag wearing a variety of knitted clothes, all of a somewhat shabby quality that gives on the impression she might have attempted to knit them herself. The hag had previously been resting her chin and elbows on the counter, her eyes shut as if she's sleeping. However, the moment the group stops nearby, her eyelids snap open to reveal pure black eyes. She raises her head and then started waving over to the group. "'Ey! You lot over there! Anyone 'eading through the portal to Tradegate can get themselves a Cone of Cold at 'alf price!" she calls. "This deal is only for today, mind you, so as I always says... Get 'em while they're cold!" She gives a little cackle after that last sentence, as if she's said the funniest thing in the multiverse. [hr] [i]Ubiquitous Wayfarer, Lower Ward, Sigil[/i] [@rush99999] [@Fading Memory] Wynvere was still for a moment, and Fyodor might wonder if she even heard him. Then, without saying anything or even glancing in the man's direction, she places her hand on the counter and drops a single silver piece in front of him. "Will that do?" she says softly, still not looking at him. The cat upon Tabiah's shoulders shifts slightly when Zaraknvyr addresses it. Its right ear twitchs, then its right eyes slowly opened, revealing a golden eye that shifta to green towards the centre. It regards the drow coolly. [i]"Ask her yourself,"[/i] it responds with the slightest hiss. [i]"For the record,[/i] she [i]is not my mistress, and[/i] you [i]are not my kindred."[/i] It then closes its eye and returns to resting. The sound must have attracted Tabiah because she turns her head slightly towards the cat, though she makes no attempts to comfort it. She merely frowns before her eyes land on Zaraknvyr sitting next to her. She looks at him for a moment before glancing in the direction he came from. Should Zaraknyvr follow her gaze, he would see the pink tiefling he just spoke to giving a wave towards her and mouthing a single word, which he can probably tell is 'Sorry'. Tabiah raises an eyebrow, but doesn't seem at all bothered by this turn of events, merely raising her glass towards the tiefling. She takes a sip before glancing back at the drow. "Normally I'd be suspicious of such offers, but if Liberty sent you my way, I'm sure I can make an exception this time," she says. "I'm Tabiah of the Athar." She points to the cat on her shoulder. "This is my familiar, Abasi, he-" She stops abruptly as Abasi suddenly stands up, turning around so his bottom was pointed directly towards Zaraknyvr. He then lies down again, his head now resting on Tabiah's opposite shoulder and his back to the drow. "-doesn't like most people, so don't take it too personally." Tabiah continues, an amused smile forming on her face. "Half the time I don't think he likes [i]me[/i] very much." She gives a small laugh. Riaen glances between Tabiah and Zaraknyvr before shrugging, pouring a tankard of beer and sliding it over the drow. Now that he's bought something, the bartender doesn't seem all that bothered about what he does and instead makes her way over to Fyodor's group. "Can I get you anything?" she asks, looking at Fyodor and Wynvere. At this point, Ulgad and Jarret's little disagreement seems to be winding down at the two approach the counter. Ulgad's stern face from before has evaporated, replaced with a lopsided grin as he gives Fyodor a small pat on the back. Jarret, meanwhile, has his arms crossed tightly over his chest and is looking gloomy. Well, [i]gloom-ier[/i]. [hr] [i]Former site of Tir na Og, the Outlands[/i] [@Digizel] [@Rune_Alchemist] "Alright, so sheltered rich kid, got it," the halfling responded to Raella's introduction as he shuffles to the side to avoid the tentacle's grasp. Apparently he must have expected some sort of retaliation to his comment, however the form of the attempt did seem to earn a small double-take and raised eyebrow. "Huh, that's a new one," he mumbles to himself before turning his gaze back to Raella. "So you're not one for banter, good to know. Seems like half of the folks who showed up here today don't have a sense of humor. No idea why. Not like it was [i]your[/i] home that up and vanished." He make a sweeping gesture around himself. "Welcome to Tir na Og, or what's left of it. Whole place disappeared about, eh, a week ago? Now everyone and their uncle wants to know why." He pauses before pointing with his thumb to the tent that's pitched close to Wonderhome. "Well, 'cept those guys. [i]They[/i] keep claiming they're responsible for this." Meanwhile, Sarceron wrinkles his nose as Tanrith introduced his mechanical companion, but otherwise didn't say anything. The Doomguard members, however, looked decently impressed, with Faelee kneeling down to get a better look at Zyrech, Vivir taking a step forward to admire the craftsmanship and giving a small nod of approval, and Rhuk trying their best not to look interested... and failing miserably. "Fascinating," Faelee says once she rises back to her full height. "You're from the Mind's Eye, I presume? I've seen many wonders come out of their Great Foundry, though admittedly nothing quite like this." "Can it breath lightning?" Vivir asks suddenly. "Like a real blue dragon? How much damage does its claws and teeth do?" Despite how intimidating his armor might make him appear, the way he is speaking makes him sound like an excited child.