[color=00ff66]"We've got what *koff*, an hour of sunlight left,"[/color] Jase managed, his breathing still a little ragged, [color=00ff66]"so we're not going to see anything in that forest shortly after the sun goes down. And since we know there's at least one thing out there that's hunting humans, this means we need shelter for the night. I vote for the cave - maybe we can spot the bird when it leaves its nest."[/color] It had to have a big nest, he felt sure. [color=00ff66]"I'm going to guess there were more than just the four of us who got i-sek-kee'd off of that plane, so it stands to reason that we're here to do something. What, I've not a clue. I'm going to guess there was more back in that cave than the stone flute, so let's head back to the cave and while someone stands watch, two of us are going to search that cave thoroughly to see what else we might have missed."[/color] [color=00ff66][i]Assuming he was right, what was up with all the secrecy? Why couldn't have someone just tell them outright what they were supposed to do here, give them proper supplies than just this knife he had?[/i] [/color] [color=00ff66]"Maybe the flute the knight has does something,"[/color] he added. "[color=00ff66]Now might be a good time for them to try it.[/color]