[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tEfMS2B.png[/img][/center] Ryan McPhee came to the beach to have a relaxing day with his friends before the school year started. He was busy sunbathing, dressed in pink beach attire. Their friend Eddie pointed out debris washing up ashore. [color=pink]“Eddie, darling, it’s rude to speak with your mouth full.”[/color] He replied curtly. [color=pink]“And rather disgusting quite frankly. Also, didn’t you just eat before we got here?”[/color] Ryan was not interested in sorting through garbage, but for some reason, everyone else was. They started oohing and ahing, and and at that point, Ryan lifted his sunglasses, and joined the others to see what the fuss was about. [color=pink]“What is so fascinating about ocean debris?”[/color] Ryan figured he was going to have to talk some sense into the rest of this group. It was then that he saw the container filled with the colorful crystals. That certainly wasn’t mere garbage. [color=pink]“Hello what’s this?”[/color] He immediately grabbed the pink crystal. [color=pink]“This certainly doesn’t belong here.”[/color]