Aura looked over the contract and her lips pressed into a thin line as she got farther into the terms. Some seemed pretty normal given the situation but there were a few that concerned her. [color=bc8dbf]"Yea I see several issues with this contract. Clause six for example The Client, me, understands and acknowledges that the Provider, you or the hag or whoever the hag works for/with, I am unclear on who excatly this contract considers the Provider but seeing as you all work with/for eachother I am going to lump you all into The Provider. Reserves the right to alter or amend the nature of the Rewards at its discretion, though any changes shall not diminish the overall value of the exchange. So basically after we purchase or take these rewards, you can just decide, these coats are no longer coats but instead, say, the equivilent in ball barings... That is what I am gathering from that."[/color] She didn't give the imp a chance to retort just yet as she continued to read the problem clauses out loud. [color=bc8dbf]"Clause Seven, While bound by this agreement, basically after signing the agreenement, the client, the signer, is not allowed to interfere with The Provider's interests. BIG problem there as I don't particularly agree with The Provider's interests and thus would be more than likely to break this clause in the interest of the lives of the innocent. I would rather risk freezing than being forced to sit idol while The Provider does whatever the hells they want. OH and IF we do break this clause we have to return the Rewards. If we are unable to we then owe the Provider a debt that is not specified as to what other than of equal value. Meaning favors are on the table. Again, no thank you."[/color] She scowled at the Imp. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh and let's not forget Clause eight, which in a round about way does sign our soul away to the provider, granted certain things must be met but you did, in fact lie to us maybe not directly but you did."[/color] She didn't even bother rolling the scroll back up as she tossed it back at the Imp. [color=bc8dbf]"Myself and my party are not interested in signing your contract as is amendments would need to be made before I were to even consider it, and seeing as we don't have time for that I am going to have to decline your offer. Also you can tell your Masters that their interest in our potential is unwanted, and the fact that they even think we need their help is quite frankly insulting to that potential they apparently see."[/color] She then turned back to the party. [color=bc8dbf]"I only read the contract for my own peace of mind, I have found the terms unfavorable, we will figure something else out we always do."[/color] She gave a nod to her friends and was fully ready to continue on their way if the rest of them were finshed here.