I agree, this is a [I]very very very bad[/I] deal! I've got my thoughts I'd like to share too. [hider=Introductory Blurb]This Binding Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on this, the 17th day of the 6th month of the 634th year of Era 5 ("Commencement Date"), between the undersigned party ("The Client(s)") and the Infernal Entity representing the Nine Hells ("The Provider"). By entering into this Agreement, the Client(s) willingly and knowingly accept the terms and conditions set forth herein for the exchange of [b]specified items ("Exchange Items") acquired from Nanna May Midnight, a night hag of Hades, in return for the provision of various treasures, goods, and services ("Rewards") from the depths of the Nine Hells.[/b][/hider] This establishes that the imp is selling goods from Nanna May in exchange for payments from the party. It's also establishing that payments wouldn't be just monetary, but also potentially anything the imp wants from the party. So it could be a favor, or an item we're carrying, anything! [hider=Clause I] The Client(s) shall at their discretion surrender the specified Exchange Items, as listed in Addendum A, to the Provider. These Exchange Items shall become the property of the Provider, without the right of reclamation.[/hider] [quote=LostDestiny]-Pretty sure this is refering to the exchange of money for goods. The wording is a little weird but that just seems like the act of trading/selling to me. @rush99999 can correct me if I am wrong there[/quote] I agree that this is the act of trading/selling. However, I would also add that the last sentence is basically saying '[b][u][i]No Refunds[/i][/u][/b]'. If the contract is signed, the Addendums would be created and each transaction is going to be included in said Addendums. [hider=Clause II] In return for the Exchange Items, the Provider shall provide the Client(s) with Rewards, as outlined in Addendum B. The nature and extent of these Rewards are subject to the discretion of the Provider, though they shall be of equivalent or greater value than the surrendered Exchange Items.[/hider] This is also the act of trading/selling. But this would be about what the Imp is selling to the party. [hider=Clause III] The Rewards provided by the Provider may include, but are not limited to, valuable gemstones, rare magical artifacts, exceptional weapons or armaments, supernatural knowledge, opportunities for power, fleeting glimpses into the secrets of the multiverse, and other experiences of extreme rarity and desirability.[/hider] This is basically establishing what the Imp is offering to sell as part of this contract. [hider=Clause IV] The Client(s) acknowledge that some Rewards may have infernal taint, and as such, the Provider cannot be held responsible for any physical, mental, or spiritual consequences resulting from their usage or possession.[/hider] This is a disclaimer saying that the imp is not responsible for any damage or detrimental effects done to the party by their goods. If the party signs this contract, they would be waiving any ability to hold the imp responsible. Definitely a crimson flag. [hider=Clause V]The Client(s) agree to utilize the Rewards in accordance with the laws and regulations of their realm and plane of existence, and in doing so, absolves the Provider from any responsibility for potential transgressions.[/hider] This is another disclaimer. It basically means that the party is responsible for following the laws of their realm/plane of existence. If something the imp gives them makes the party break the law inadvertently, then the imp can't be held responsible. [hider=Clause VI] The Client(s) understand and acknowledge that the Provider reserves the right to alter or amend the nature of the Rewards at its discretion, though any changes shall not diminish the overall value of the exchange.[/hider] Another crimson flag. Just as [@LostDestiny] stated, the ability to change the items bought after the fact can be seriously detrimental to the party. [hider=Clause VII] While bound by this Agreement, the Client(s) are forbidden from willingly, knowingly, and directly acting against the interests of the Provider. Any breach of this Clause shall render this Agreement null and void, and all Rewards must be returned to the Provider. If Rewards cannot be returned to the provider for any reason, the Client(s) will instead owe debts to the Provider equal to the value of the Rewards that could not be returned.[/hider] Yeah, I don't think I need to say any more on this. This is an obvious bright red, neon sign, flag. The party may very well go against Nanna May, and this is just insurance for Nanna May to make sure that it either doesn't happen/or our lives get harder for it as a result. [hider=Clause VIII] The Client(s) acknowledge and understand that the exchange outlined in this Agreement carries eternal implications. The Provider reserves the right to claim the Client(s)' souls upon their deaths, transporting them to the Nine Hells for eternal servitude, should the Client(s) have any outstanding debts as described in Clause VII at the time of the termination of this mortal coil.[/hider] Yeah. Again, as [@LostDestiny] stated, this is basically a soul deal for any unresolved debts, and shows the Imp lied. With the inclusion of an Addendum A and an Addendum B, the Imp could easily say that the party still owes some sort of outstanding debt it can think of and use it to claim the souls. [hider=Clause IX] This Agreement is subject to the laws and regulations of the Nine Hells. Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be adjudicated within the Infernal Courts, and the Client(s) hereby consent to the jurisdiction of such courts.[/hider] This extension of the previous clause is basically saying that if anyone who signed the contract tries to fight against the contract/dispute it, then it would be taken to the Infernal Courts. That means that the laws of the Infernal Planes would be used and it essentially amounts to having the cards stacked against whoever signs the contract. [hr] [quote=@RoadkilBanana] I have decided to use DiceCloud and have started on a character, any tips on making one? [/quote] I would recommend using the site, [url=https://5e.tools]5e.tools[/url] to help build your character. You will need to pick race, class, and background. As for stats... [@rush99999], can you confirm what you want regarding stats for the character creation?