[@PKMNB0Y] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Hillside Hamlet[/h3][/center] By the time she had finished exterminating the last of the giant slimes, Fran had turned to see the battle had come to a close as the remaining remnants of the slime horde had either retreated or, more likely, been exterminated as well. Sighing in satisfaction, Fran leapt toward the village to meet with the others. She landed just in time for the girl with the giant scissors to introduce herself. [quote]"Thanks for the help! Honestly, your arrival was quite the boon; I think we would've been fine, but I can't say the same about the villagers there. My name's Gwen; this is Maokai. He doesn't... Like people much, though, so it'd probably be better if you let him be."[/quote] [color=8dc73f]"Fran."[/color], the berserker simply replied as she gestured to herself. She figured, since she was not in a Grail War, telling people her name would be of no consequence, especially when this world was not her own.