[CENTER][h1][color=B3ADAB][b]CATHERINE CORIANDER[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr]”Ha! Ha! Ha!” “You don’t have to be so loud you know.” “But I’m showing my spirit!” “Trust me kid, I know you’ve got plenty.” “Hey, it’s Haku!” “Huh? Who’s Haku?” “That girl over there?” “That’s not a girl…” Turning her head to see, Peppermint lit up when Haku strolled by Burnet’s home. The older man sat on his stoop, a gaggle of kids hanging around and watching their friend go through a routine. “Was wonderin’ if you were going to show up,” Burnet noted. Peppermint couldn’t contain herself, hopping lightly. “Cori’s out looking for you, probably, but she’ll come back around eventually.” He looked over to his protegee. “Hey shortstuff, you want to show him what you’ve got?” Peppermint nodded hard, losing balance from the bouncing and taking a small tumble before recovering her stance. “Er, don’t let appearances fool you. She can give you a run for your money if you take her lightly. How do you wanna do this?”