[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=7bcdc8][b]Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell:[/b][/color] Your father sounds like a wise man. that is exactly how we see it, though we don't label it as magic. We call it spirit or aether, and it is exactly that. But more like a primordial force that precedes the material laws, hence why it can dominate them... [color=fff200][b]Soldier Boy: [/b][/color][color=0076a3][i]*Looks perplexed between the two of you*[/i][/color] Still not getting this... [color=7bcdc8][b]Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell:[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Sighs and rubs forehead*[/i][/color] It is not easy getting people out of a closed mindset... by God's grace! [color=0076a3][i]*Sighs again*[/i][/color] [/quote] Think about electricity. It's a force with an origin and rules. Magic is the sameā€”it has a lot of properties you might not expect, which leads to things like rituals and channels. But fundamentally, once you have magic, you can convince it to do work for you.