[center][h1][b][color=red]A[/color][/b][/h1][/center][hr][indent] A felt a chill run down her spine as the scientist addressed them by their respective designations, her mind racing with the implications of his words. Surgeries? The term alone conjured images of steel tables and blinding lights, of a vulnerability so profound it was dehumanizing. What kind of perverse trials awaited them in the name of science? A’s heart hammered against her ribcage, a frantic drumbeat that was so loud she swore the others could probably hear it. She stole a fleeting look at them, their expressions etched with a fear that seemed to mirror the terror clawing at her own psyche. They had to find a way out of this nightmare before it was too late. As the scientist and guards disappeared into the D-class Wing, A cautiously stepped out of the cell, her eyes darting between the other cells lining the hallway. The muffled moaning from cell 2.3 made her hesitate, but it was the haggard face poking out of cell 2.4 that really caught her attention. A motioned for VV, Pia, and D to follow as she made her way toward the beckoning figure. She approached cautiously, her senses heightened as she prepared for the worst. [/indent]