Becky Hill _____________________________ Luminus port town, 2days ago 7pm [color=f7941d]"I hate you! I wont go!"[/color] She was furious! Her arms crossed under her voluptuous bust. She stared at the stone figure of her stern father. Her face was red as she grew angrier! [color=0072bc]"You're going! This is a huge opportunity for you! You cant keep fattening nobles and peasants the guards can barely patrol! All you do is stuff things with three times the amount of sugar and creams. At this rate the people will become sealions. You need to branch out an this new kingdom the Prince is creating will need you to keep their spirits up and their energy. It's virgin territory and you could make a real name for yourself out there and with the prince tasting you wares you could become a royal baker. Hosting parties and gatherings for nobles just think for a second."[/color] He pleaded with his only daughter. She really was so stubborn, just like her father. [color=f7941d]"Screw that, they can starve! I work for the people and not to sell my soul to those devils. That place isnt even built yet where the hell am I to bake the woods? I need a proper stove and setting to make my wares. This isnt campfire cooking. I wont have my sweets and baked goods tasting like smoke. Those pompous fools wouldnt know quality from mud pies! Regal peacocks only care about the rarity of a dish if I told them this dirt cake was from some far off shore they would proclaim it to be the finest in the land. The fools. Its not the rarity but the substance and not one of those fools ever get that far in any dish."[/color] She turned her back to her father, ignoring the slight jiggle in her hips. [color=0072bc]"I dont care. You need to get out there and be your own cook. No daughter of mine is going to live here in obscurity and under my name. You need to stake your own reputation in your own place. I already paid for a travel to this Dawnhaven with the supply train master. "I know him a trustworthy sort he will keep you safe." [/color]Her father placed a small sack of coin in her hand. [color=0072bc]"Now get going your future awaits."[/color] He grabbed her by the arm and dragged his daughter to the door. Putting his boot to the ample backside he shoved her into the street and shut the door latching the bolt. She banged on the door for a time with tears in her eyes pleading begging then threatening and screaming. Two guards came by and tapped on her shoulder. [color=aba000]"What's the ruckus Becky?"[/color] The guard was Thomas a local and very fond of their wares. [color=f7941d]"My stupid dad just threw me out. Kick this door down and let me in. I'll make you a sweet potato pie for you."[/color] She was a sobbing mess but tried to put on a cute smile. [color=0072bc]"Get her to the caravan master and I'll let you have first dibs for the next two days!"[/color] Her father exclaimed from behind the door. With that the two guards grabbed the curvy baker and pulled her to the caravan master just outside of town. The night air was getting cooler as the the continual dusk setting was falling to night. [color=f7941d]"No!! No no no no no! I wont, I cant!"[/color] She shouted bringing the eyes of nightly passerby's to her voice. At the caravan the master sighed and with a shrug hit her over the head with a wooden short club. The two guards snickered as they left the baker in his care. Becky woke with a headache and the sound of wagon wheels turning on the dirt road. She pouted looking about not even having a cloak or coat. She kicked the floor of the wagon. [color=f7941d]"Damn them all!"[/color] Her hands and feet were tied in rope. The wagon master smirked and shook his head. [color=1a7b30]"Its a few days ride to the new realm. Better get some rest your cooking for us." [/color] [color=f7941d]"Hmph, why the hell should I?"[/color] She pouted rubbing her head. her stomach felt like knotted ropes. [color=1a7b30]"Well you dont have to, but your father told me you could cook. So if you want to ride then you'll cook. If you dont cook then you can walk I was paid to bring you but not to let you ride."[/color] He was stern in his voice. Not even bothering to turn his head to face her. [color=f7941d]"What do you have here?"[/color] She started to rummage through the things. [color=f7941d]"How many?"[/color] She looked back but the supply train was long and the road was already dark. [color=1a7b30]"About thirty. We got supplies but they have to be rationed."[/color] He spoke over his shoulder. She sighed. [color=f7941d]"Beans beef jerky and dried meat? We have any water? herbs?"[/color] She watched him shake his head. [color=f7941d]"Well it wont be pretty, I know of some wild onions that grow about here and garnish herbs."[/color] She rummaged about some more and smiled as her fingers curled around a familiar friend! [color=f7941d]"Ha! Yes sweet mercy, at least you have potatoes. With a little luck you'll have my travelers stew. Too bad you dont have goats." [/color] [color=1a7b30]"We have goats. As long as you dont butcher them. They have a buyer at the town."[/color] He grumbled. [color=f7941d]"No I just need to milk some and I think you'll see how good a creamy stew is on the cold road."[/color] She smirked indeed at the end of the first leg of the trip she found some wild onions and herbs to add a kick to the creamy stew. Each night along the road her cooking made her friends and people willing to share what they had brought to add to the meals every night. It was when she was cooking she felt more a part of the people then any monarch ever dreamed of. It was her element and she loved it very much the whole process of combining things to make people happy. Becky was a people person and like the feeling of goodness that could only be found in food. It brought people together and was something that made everyone feel better afterwards. The caravan stopped on the second day by a river to water the teams and gather fresh barrels. She found cover behind a large tree that hung over a part of the bank to bathe and washed her hair. She already missed home, but if that man thought she would write to him after kicking his only daughter to the street he was sorely mistaken. Returning in her still damp clothes she really had wished her father was more of an adventurer or at least had the foresight to pack her some things. Letting out the worlds longest sigh Becky really found him hopeless when it came to the working of things outside of the business. However his network of partners and ability to barter were second to none. That man could get the crown jewels for a song if he applied his barter skills to it. She watched him often get goods for trade that he traded for things he really wanted and at a lower cost. While his daughter was good she had to admit who was the master at the swap. Making caramelized kabobs with the salted meats and dried fruits from another traveler made for a tasty lunch. The camp fires were the few things on the journey offering comfort and safety. The wet clothes forced her to stay closer by the fires until she was dry enough then slept in the wagon on some sacks of potatoes. She tried to sleep if not for the noises of the woods nearby and the wind slapping against the canvas cover. She dreamed of a soft feather bed and warm blankets. ____________________ Dawnhaven 7pm. Becky sat as the wagon train made it to the gates and it looked like everything was in the process of being built. She rolled her eyes but it was late and after all the jiggling and bumping around on the wooden benches she was more than ready to rest for the night in whatever counted for a tavern in this makeshift town. The baker was tired and sore all over from the wooden bench seat. Looking around the landscape was a whole lot of noting with buildings being built in random locations. Her eyes spotted some rich woman in a black fur cloak sulking through the alleys obviously up to something nefarious but she didnt care. The only thing that move one foot in front of the other was the promise of a pillow and a feather bed. Pushing on the door lead to it falling in and she gave a startled defensive pose. [color=f7941d]"What a rat hole." [/color] Stepping past the fallen door she walked in to smell un seasoned food and the deep smoke of a hearth. [color=f7941d]"Hello? I'd like a room?"[/color] Letting her eyes wander about.