[indent][COLOR=silver][sup][b]| Four Years Ago[/b][/sup][/COLOR] [indent][i][color=darkgray]On a mild Spring evening as the clock struck 1am, campus lay quiet and serene, the sound of cicadas and the whistling of the wind the only audible noise moving through the trees.[/color] [color=darkgray]But in the depths of the Intake House, the campus speakeasy was indeed alive and vibrant, packed with University students enjoying the revelry of the weekend. Aurora had only heard rumblings before about the existence of the bar and yet, she found herself there in the mix, her best friend by her side. How they had gotten an invite, that was Lorcán’s doing. Well, not [/color][color=darkgray][i]actually[/i][/color][color=darkgray] him, they had Ryan to thank for pulling some strings and getting the both of them in, especially since they still weren’t 19.[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora was drunk. [/color] [color=darkgray]It wasn’t the first time she had drank- she and her roommates had gotten some booze before from their older Myotis peers- but she definitely didn’t have much of a tolerance to go off of. So, needless to say, she was a bit of a lightweight. You could see it on her face- her cheeks were rosy and flushed and her normally sharp blue eyes were glassy, accompanied by the relaxed and happy grin that tugged on her lips.[/color] [color=darkgray]As the pair stood in the center of the room, enjoying the organized chaos around them, the redhead felt someone bump into her as they passed by, likely headed to the bar. She wobbled, unbalanced in her inebriated state but managed to remain upright, a few drops of her drink spilling over the edge of her cup. She giggled, looking at Lorcán next to her.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Whoops, sorry!”[/color] [color=darkgray]Those molten eyes that were the same colour as the soda he was drinking studied the copper-haired girl intently. He had never seen her like this before, at first it had been invigorating partying alongside Aurora, watching some of her inhibition melt away as she danced to the music, finding rhythm with the pounding bass that echoed through the speakeasy.[/color] [color=darkgray]But the night had gone on long enough and Lorcán was beginning to worry about the Aurora of tomorrow and her impending hangover.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“No worries, Lady Dude,”[/color][color=darkgray] He replied with one of his signature smiles, brushing away his wavy, shoulder length hair from his face. [/color][color=#fe650d]“Think it might be time to quiver the boards and head for shore. Walk you home?”[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora jutted out her bottom lip, pouting playfully at the mention of leaving the party. They were having a good time, why would they leave now? She attempted to reason with the boy, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Nooo, Lorcán, why do you want to go home? This place is fun.”[/color][color=darkgray] She asserted, trying to maintain her convincing facial expression before quickly dissolving into a goofy smile. [/color] [color=darkgray]But she knew him well, well enough that even though things were a bit blurrier than normal, the look he was giving her wasn’t him asking. She took one last large sip of her drink before accepting defeat. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Okay, we can go,”[/color][color=darkgray] The redhead raised her eyebrows, a thought coming to mind, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“But what about Ryan, shouldn’t we say bye?”[/color][color=darkgray] She quickly spun around to try and spot the similar shade of copper hair amongst the masses, but that was a bad idea, as she immediately grew dizzy. Aurora braced herself against Lorcán, her hands resting on his arms for stability. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Or we can just leave, that works too.”[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I have a feeling brah won't miss us too much,”[/color][color=darkgray] Lorcán replied, looking towards the older redhead currently behind the bar doing her best rendition of ‘Cocktail’ while she had several male students fighting for her attention. When Ryan had invited them, Lorcán had originally been flattered but upon arriving at the party it quickly became clear to him that his invitation was more to ensure his silence. While the speakeasy was open to students, it generally wasn't open to parties of quite this volume. Ryan was certainly enjoying the privileges that came with being the Team Mentor to Eclipse, but Lorcán was feeling a little used.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Do you, like, want my arm?”[/color][color=darkgray] Lorcán asked Aurora, extending a denim jacket enclosed arm. [/color][color=#fe650d]“Or maybe my jacket, it’s pretty nippy with the sun down.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora nodded, setting down her half empty glass before grasping his bicep and forearm as they began to move towards the door. She held on tightly, half because she didn’t want to lose him in the crowd, and half because she was still a tad unsteady. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I’ll be fiiine, you’re like my own personal space heater after all.” [/color][color=darkgray]The girl giggled again, thinking her overused joke was absolutely hilarious. With each step they ascended the music grew softer and the chatter dulled, until they were greeted by the cool April breeze. As they walked away from the Intake House, she inhaled the fresh air, her wavy locks rustling in the wind, before an idea popped into her brain.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“What if I were to just…” [/color][color=darkgray]In an instant, she let go of Lorcán’s arm, teleporting back to the front door that led down to the speakeasy with a devious grin on her face. She reached for the handle slowly, baiting the boy and admittedly testing his patience with her. [/color] [color=darkgray]Lorcán’s eyebrows rose as Aurora suddenly vanished. He stopped abruptly, spinning around on one heel, turning to face the giggling redhead while one eyebrow remained elevated.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Hey, get back here! Don’t make me chase you, Lady Dude.”[/color][color=darkgray] He called in his own teasing tone. Though truthfully, he was a little worried Aurora might hurt herself in her inebriated state. [/color] [color=#fe650d]“Come on, just like take my hand and then we can totally make our way back to the dorms.”[/color][color=darkgray] Lorcán added while approaching. [/color][color=#fe650d]“Your bed must sound rad by now.”[/color][color=darkgray] He suddenly blushed, turning as red as the flames he could create.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I totally mean for you, not like us or me. Your bed, for you. Sleeping alone is totally rad.”[/color][color=darkgray] He rambled on, now looking towards the sky.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Mars is bright tonight, eh?”[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora considered teleporting off, but instead audibly sighed, an exaggerated indication of her agreement, before intertwining her fingers with his, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You know I don’t sleep much, Hotstuff.” [/color][color=darkgray]She gently swung their arms back and forth, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I don’t want to think about going to sleep.” [/color][color=darkgray]She stated as they restarted their walk back to the dorms, her head tilting upwards to look up at the sky. [/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“You can’t see Mars silly.” [/color][color=darkgray]The redhead stated matter of factly, squinting up at the various stars. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I like looking at the constellations though.”[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Maybe [/color][i][color=#fe650d]you[/color][/i][color=#fe650d] can't,”[/color][color=darkgray] He teased,[/color][color=#fe650d] “But I happen to know that,”[/color][color=darkgray] He pointed to a slightly crimson dot above the Eastern horizon, [/color][color=#fe650d]“-is Mars.”[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I've always liked Draco,”[/color][color=darkgray] He continued, pointing towards the constellation, [/color][color=#fe650d]“But I often find myself staring at Gemini while on my board at night.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora tried to focus on where Lorcán was motioning, attempting to spot the shapes he was referring to, but everything was just a little too blurry for her to visualize. Another spark of genius came to mind as the boy mentioned surfing, and she gently changed their course, taking a few steps in the direction that would lead them to the beach. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You’re sure we can’t go sit for just a little bit? Please?” [/color][color=darkgray]She pleaded, no doubt her avoidance of the dorms and her bed evident in her voice. The girl attempted a few more steps, but nearly tripped over her own feet as she went as far as she could go whilst in Lorcán’s grip. She let her next statement hang in the air.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“If I don’t go to sleep yet, I don’t have to dream, and he won’t be able to hurt her again.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora’s words took Lorcán aback. But he knew he couldn’t say no to her so it was simply easier to comply. The beach at least was still away from the party and the cooler air coming in off the Pacific might just be what the red-headed girl needed to sober up.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I could totally do the beach,” [/color][color=darkgray]He replied before leading her in the proper direction, [/color][color=#fe650d]“Might be better if we just hoofed it though.”[/color] [color=darkgray]She frowned, looking up at him through her lashes, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You’re no fun! We could be there right now if we wanted to be,” [/color][color=darkgray]Without hesitating, she let go of his hand and disappeared, materializing a good distance ahead of him on the path to the sand and surf. She was definitely trying her luck, but something about her buzz rid her of any reservations she might have been holding onto. A challenge danced in her eyes, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Bet you can’t catch me!” [/color][color=darkgray]Aurora called back to him, grinning.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Lady Dude wait-”[/color][color=darkgray] Lorcán called but Aurora had already teleported before he could protest. Despite that, he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading over his face. She had always beat him at tag when they were younger, but he had a feeling tonight might tip in his favour. Ditching his flip-flops, the boy with long wavy hair ran after the copper-headed girl. His bare feet raced through the cool sand, before jetting forward with the air of his abilities only to meet empty air where Aurora once was.[/color] [color=darkgray]Looking around, he spotted her again. Once again giving chase, he came up empty. Looking around, he saw Aurora waving towards him before feinting a boost and instead moving backwards in anticipation of catching her. [/color] [color=darkgray]His strategy worked too well as Lorcán bowled Aurora over, tackling the redhead into the sand before landing on top of her. His face hovering not even inches from her own. The smell of roses and peonies wafted into Lorcán’s nostrils as his molten eyes looked down into Aurora’s shimmering sapphires. His tongue tapped his lower lip, as his jaw pointed forward before Lorcán caught himself and rolled off of Aurora.[/color] [color=darkgray]Despite wanting that moment for so long, he wasn’t about to take advantage of her.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Caught you.”[/color][color=darkgray] He managed to spit out, grateful for the cover of night to hide his beet-red face.[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead shrieked as his strong arms caged her, her unrestrained laugh filling the air as they toppled to the ground, eyes closing as they hit the sand. Upon opening them, she met his fiery gaze above her, seeing just how close together the two of them were. Aurora looked down to Lorcán’s lips, feeling an overwhelming urge to close the distance between them, his wavy hair that fell around her face seeming to block out the rest of the world. But the second she lifted her face to meet his, the moment escaped her as the boy moved to lay by her side. [/color] [color=darkgray]The drunk girl only giggled again, the desire to kiss him ebbing away just as quickly as it had come on. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You may have caught me this time, but we both know that I am still the record holder.” [/color] [color=#fe650d]“Uncontested champion,”[/color][color=darkgray] Lorcán flashed a smile, despite his still racing heart. The sound of the nearby waves was always soothing, and while he didn't have any alcohol in his system, the idea of going for a swim at this hour if only to cool his flushed face was enticing.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“The swells sound tame tonight.”[/color][color=darkgray] He muttered sitting up from the sand, his hand looking towards the water where the moonlight was reflecting, illuminating the Northern Horizon. [/color] [color=#fe650d]“I’m all amped up now, tempted to take a dip into the green room to soak my head,”[/color][color=darkgray] He added with a playful elbow nudge.[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora let herself relax into the sand, looking up at the stars. They were so bright here, the lack of any nearby city meant no light pollution to detract from their glow. But at the mention of the water, she sat up as well, gazing out at the dark expanse that stretched out into nothingness. Slipping off her shoes, she dug her toes into the cool grains. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I’m a bad swimmer when sober, let’s not find out how I am after a few drinks.” [/color][color=darkgray]She smirked, still having her wits about her even under the influence,[/color][color=#8ecdb7]“But I’d put my feet in, that sounds nice.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Lorcán allowed himself a small laugh, he had seen Aurora in the water and her point was incredibly valid.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“A walk in the shallows sounds rad,”[/color] [color=darkgray]He replied before offering the girl his arm again,[/color][color=#fe650d] “What did you mean earlier when you said he won't be able to hurt her again, in reference to your dreams?”[/color] [color=darkgray]The words had been sitting at the forefront of his mind since she had spoken them but only now that the blood had stopped rushing had the courage and overwhelming curiosity prompted him to ask.[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora wobbled as stood back up once more, clinging on to Lorcán’s arm for stability as they approached where the waves met the shoreline. She hummed happily as she submerged her feet into the water, enjoying how refreshing it felt on her skin and kicking playfully, sending droplets back out into the ocean. The redhead didn’t even look up as she answered Lorcán, seemingly numb to the true weight of the question, her inhibitions and hesitations out the window with the alcohol in her system.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“My stepfather was not a nice man, Lorcán.”[/color][color=darkgray] She stated, taking a breath before continuing, exhaling audibly, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“He used to hit my mother, take his anger out on her.”[/color][color=darkgray] Aurora looked up at the stars again, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I was too young to do anything to stop it.”[/color] [color=darkgray]The temperature suddenly rose as Lorcán felt his hackles rise at Aurora's words. He had never met her, but given who Aurora was, he knew her mother was a big part of making her the extraordinary young woman he knew. The idea that anyone would intentionally hurt her got him hot under the collar.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I can't believe people can be so cruel to each other. I find it hard to believe the mundane world is just or fair in any way.”[/color][color=darkgray] His voice was stern, almost condescending.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I just wonder how we’re the persecuted ones sometimes. Where is your mother now?”[/color] [color=darkgray]He asked, softening his tone as his ember-like eyes looked back at Aurora.[/color] [color=darkgray]The girl moved her hands from his bicep to instead intertwine their fingers once more as they continued to walk, the waves lapping at her ankles. She could feel his skin growing warmer, and she met his gaze with a sad smile, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“It’s far from fair, but that’s the way the world works I guess.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora directed her eyes out to the ocean, seemingly searching the distance, the stars blurring together in her drunkenness. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I don’t know where she is.”[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead shrugged, digging her heels in the sand with each step she took.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“It wasn’t safe for me at home, for many reasons, but especially when my abilities manifested. Damon would have killed me if he knew I was Hyperhuman.” [/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora looked back up at Lorcán.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“So, my mom brought me to a children’s home and left me there. I never saw her again, don’t know if I ever will.”[/color] [color=darkgray]She rested her head on his arm, his temperature comforting as the breeze triggered goosebumps along her limbs. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You’re really warm.”[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead added, seemingly voicing her stream of consciousness.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I can’t imagine a world where I didn't know where my Mom was,”[/color] [color=darkgray]He allowed himself a small chuckle,[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Though some days I wish she didn't know where [/color][i][color=#fe650d]I[/color][/i][color=#fe650d] was.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Lifting his arm, Lorcán wrapped it around Aurora, allowing himself a rare moment of boldness before enveloping her in his warmth.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Alcohol must be wearing off if you're getting cold.”[/color] [color=darkgray]Lorcán teased before looking up at the stars. It was amazing that he could be surrounded by such awe inducing beauty and yet his eyes always found their way back to Aurora.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I’m still hoping we can find your Mom someday, she must be pretty special to bring you into my life.”[/color] [color=darkgray]His voice was low, nearly a whisper as he spoke before those fire-like eyes turned back to the subtle ebb and flow of the midnight tide.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Someday.”[/color] [color=darkgray]He mused again, his eyes wandering down to Aurora's left hand, before retreating back to the serene ocean scene.[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead leaned into Lorcán’s chest as she was tucked underneath his arm, the chill she had briefly felt instantly replaced by the heat he radiated. She closed her eyes and sighed contently, inhaling citrus and smoke, a soft smile tugging at her lips.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“I’m not cold, you’re just hot.” [/color][color=darkgray]The girl mindlessly replied before nearly losing her footing on a rock that, according to her, came out of nowhere.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Nope, still drunk.”[/color] [color=darkgray]She opened her eyes, resting her chin on the boy’s torso as she looked up at him.[/color][color=#8ecdb7]“She was special. The strongest person I know.” [/color][color=darkgray]Aurora stated, hazy visions of blonde hair and blue eyes coming to mind.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“But, I’ve already come to terms with the fact that I might never see her again, who knows what happened after I left.” [/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“I wouldn’t be shocked if Damon had killed her by now.”[/color] [color=#fe650d]“Hard to send you to bed on that note, Lady Dude,”[/color][color=darkgray] Lorcán tried joking to soften her words, [/color][color=#fe650d]“But we can't stay out here all night.”[/color][color=darkgray] He gave her a quick squeeze, [/color][color=#fe650d]“Though I don't think another few minutes would hurt.”[/color][color=darkgray] He added, gazing out at the ocean before taking a seat in the sand and gently pulling Aurora down beside him.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“I only ever need two things for a perfect night. A beautiful view, and the ocean.”[/color][color=darkgray] He smiled, thankful Aurora once again couldn't see him blushing in the dark.[/color] [color=#fe650d]“And tonight I have both.”[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead, who would have less than gracefully flopped onto the sand had Lorcán not guided her down with him found herself smiling at his words and her cheeks turning rosy. She hadn’t expected him to say something like that, especially to her, but she certainly wasn’t opposed to it. She moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. [/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“I want every night to be like this.”[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][CENTER][COLOR=8ECDB7][sup]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/PU6Oqag.jpeg[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=8ECDB7][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Southern Plateau[/I] - [I]Pacific Royal Campus[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Hope in Hell #2.046:[/b][/COLOR] [url=https://open.spotify.com/track/55Am8neGJkdj2ADaM3aw5H?si=737fd4bc86d74a06][I]Train Wreck[/I][/url][/right][/sup][/indent][center][COLOR=8ECDB7][SUP][sub]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][/center][indent][sub][color=8ECDB7][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I] [color=fe650d]Lorcán[/color] (Flashback) [@Lord Wraith][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkGRAY][I]I Wanna Hold Your Hand[/I][/color][/right][/SUP][/indent][/color] [indent][color=darkgray]Aurora had forgotten what her mother’s voice sounded like. [/color] [color=darkgray]It was sweeter than she remembered, melodic, more gentle than what her nightmares had warped it into over the years. In her dreams, her mother was always suffering. But here, the woman’s tone was warm and inviting; it was as if you could hear her smiling.[/color] [color=#62d5f8]“Sweetheart, come here!”[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead willed herself to move as fast as her body would allow and followed the sound of her mother’s call. The shock she was in helped her in this instance rather than hindered, the numbness she felt in response allowing her to propel herself forward without her injuries inhibiting her. The dregs of Amma’s power managed to fight off any residual exhaustion she felt. [/color] [color=darkgray]She was rejuvenated. Hopeful.[/color] [color=#62d5f8]“Firecracker? Are you there?”[/color] [i][color=darkgray]Firecracker[/color][/i][color=darkgray]. She hadn’t been called that since she was a young girl, hadn’t ever told anyone about the nickname her mother lovingly bestowed upon her. Although they weren’t exactly sure where her red hair had come from, presumably from her father’s side, Sasha taught her daughter to embrace her copper coloring. What initially had been a moniker to represent her fiery appearance quickly became so much more. Aurora was always the spark that kept Sasha going, the brightest light in her darkest hour. [/color] [color=darkgray]And Aurora did indeed embody that spark as she chased her mother’s voice down hall after hall, stopping at nothing to find her in the labyrinth.[/color] [color=#62d5f8]“~Aurora!”[/color] [color=darkgray]She didn’t care that her body began to catch up to her brain. Didn’t care that she was growing weary, her breathing heavy. The redhead navigated each turn with agile grace as Sasha’s call echoed. She grew closer, the woman’s words growing louder and louder. She could already feel her embrace, imagine her warm golden blonde hair and striking blue eyes that held so much strength and perseverance.[/color] [color=darkgray]Aurora turned the final corner and it wasn’t her mother who she found. [/color] [color=darkgray]She was instead met with the sight of her teammates at the end of the hallway, battered and bruised, but alive. Calliope looked worse for wear, leaning on Banjo as a physical crutch while Rory carried Haven, her injuries more significant than the last time she saw her. Amma limped on her broken ankle, refusing to accept Katja’s help, the blonde visibly shaken and covered in a thick crimson liquid that made Aurora gag at the sight. Gil and his clones, noses bloody, stood together next to Harper, whose eyes were wide and expressionless, and Lorcán - [/color][color=darkgray][i]Lorcán, alive [/i][/color][color=darkgray]- who clutched his chest, AR suit ripped open revealing a deep wound.[/color] [color=darkgray]They were gathered in front of a door.[/color] [color=darkgray]An exit.[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead didn’t hesitate, breaking out into a sprint to join them, relief flooding her features as realization hit her that the end was in sight. They had done it, they had survived the trial, sabotagers be damned, and they were getting out. Her mother had guided her to safety. But it wasn’t until she had made it halfway down the hall, a few yards from her friends, that she slammed face first into something unyielding. Static rang in her ears as she recoiled, her already aching head beginning to pound even worse than it had been before, black spots flooding her vision. Aurora reached up to her face and braced the point of impact, feeling something warm on her upper lip and pulled her hand away to find it covered in her own blood. [/color] [color=darkgray]She looked in front of her, not seeing what had forced her to a stop so viciously, and reached out her other hand, coming into contact with a wall, invisible, but there nonetheless. She pressed her palm against the surface and pushed, not feeling any give in the structure that would allow her to get through to her teammates. Up ahead, she could see Katja open the door with ease, bright light from outside flooding the entire hallway. The mere sight of it was enough to make the redhead begin to panic once again. [/color] [color=darkgray]Closing her eyes, she calmed her now racing mind and attempted to teleport to where her teammates were by using the last whisper of Amma’s power, but it wasn’t enough. Her form flickered, and she felt a weak pull, but it was to no avail. Aurora tried again, grimacing in pain, but the last bit of energy she had been holding onto flickered out, leaving her with nothing left to utilize. [/color] [color=#8a9a5b]“Are we all here?”[/color][color=darkgray] Harper asked, taking stock of the group, and was met by nods and mumbled affirmation. Boots shuffled, and Blackjack began to move.[/color] [color=darkgray]They were leaving.[/color] [color=darkgray]They were leaving [/color][i][color=darkgray]without[/color][/i][color=darkgray] her.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Hey!” [/color][color=darkgray]Aurora’s baby blues grew wide and she banged her fists up against the invisible wall, using whatever physical strength she had left to try and bring the barrier down by force. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Wait! I’m here! I’m right here!” [/color][color=darkgray]She shouted, hoping to capture their attention before they departed.[/color] [color=darkgray]But not one member of Blackjack turned or even flinched at the sound of her voice.[/color] [color=darkgray]They didn’t hear her at all.[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead hit the partition harder as she continued to yell. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Don’t leave me here!” [/color][color=darkgray]Her throat burned as she raised her volume even louder than the first time, attempting to fight her way through. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Please don’t leave me!”[/color][color=darkgray] Her knuckles split, growing bloody with the amount of force she was using to try and get to the other side. [/color] [color=darkgray]One by one, each of her teammates disappeared through the exit, leaving the horrors of the Trial behind them. Calliope and Banjo hand in hand. Rory with Haven in his arms. Amma and then Katja. Gil, his clones, and Harper. With each silhouette that vanished, Aurora grew more and more hysterical, eyes beginning to overflow with moisture, any hope she had held onto fading fast.[/color] [color=darkgray]Lorcán brought up the back of the group and stopped in the doorframe, hesitating and turning his head to look around. Brow furrowed as if he was in deep thought. [/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Lorcan!” [/color][color=darkgray]She screamed in pure desperation, tears streaming down her face. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Lorcán, please!” [/color][color=darkgray]The girl wailed as she watched him simply shrug before exiting the Trial, the door slamming behind him and locking into place.[/color] [color=darkgray]He had left her there.[/color] [color=darkgray]Her teammates had forgotten her.[/color] [color=darkgray]She was alone.[/color] [color=darkgray]The redhead’s fists against the wall grew weaker and weaker as she lost steam. Knowing that they weren’t coming back for her, she sank to her knees, her inconsolable cries filling the now empty hallway. For even though she was older, even though she had grown, the cycle would never cease to repeat.[/color] [color=darkgray]No one ever stayed.[/color][/indent]