[Center][h2][color=khaki]Jørmund[/color][/h2][/center] The temperature of the area dropping as it had drew Jørmund's concern and much of his attention as he pondered what it ment. He picky half heard what the imp had said, barely catching that it had implied that the northmen brought the cold with them. This was a possibility that one of them struck some terrible deal with one of the terrible gods of winter. That in exchange for saving themselves or a village they would bring the bitter cold to regions that have rarely known frost to fall. The cleric kept quiet and listened to his companions and the imp exchange words not really interested in dealing with a devil. When Aura snatched the contract to read it and then spoke her peace about the terms he nodded in agreement with her last statement. To him as well it seemed this contract was not to the favor of the group. Jørmund went to the cart and started to lead the horses onward having resolved to just ignore the imp and press onward. At this point he wanted to get to Zephyr and get out of the weather. This cold was a bad enough omen without the imp appearing with furs and contract. [Color=khaki]"Let's go. Staying out in this cold will do no one any good. The sooner we get to the village the sooner we can get around a fire."[/color]