[table][row][right][color=92278f][h3][b]Yuu[/b][/h3][/color]Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Afternoon[/right][/row][cell]The moment the psychic began to explain herself Yuu rose up back to his feet and placed a fist against his hip as he focused on Clarissa. He gave the girl a shallow nod before briefly glancing back at the ninja and Chloe the moment she mentioned the trio coming for help before his eyes fell back upon Clarissa. While he was attentive to Clarissa's explanation, his eyes would sometimes drift to casually observe the vicinity. It wasn't like any Pokemon would potentially show up after that huge crash, but he never knew and thus did his best to keep a lookout. Jojo on the other hand was much more curious about the purple girl's lapine companion, noticing that they were atop her shoulder. [color=firebrick]"Rio,"[/color] the Riolu crooned, eagerly beckoning Vivi to come down to his level as he began to point at the Buneary. The Rotom-phone floated down to Jojo's level, crackling and buzzing in response with a small smile as they nodded at the observation. Vivi watched as they would go on to point out that minute similarity with Jojo hopping up and raising a paw at Yuu's shoulder as Vivi floated up and down with him in response. Afterwards there was a small ring of excitement as Vivi whirred back their own thoughts about another one like them, pointing directly at where the Camphor Pokedex/Phone was; they even went as far as to crackle with excitement, seemingly calling out to the other Rotom hiding within the device. As the two Pokemon chatted amongst themselves, Yuu was busy absorbing the tale Clarissa regaled to the group, nodding along as he now rubbed his chin in tandem. Captured a Murkrow, Gastly stole the Pokeball which lead to the encounter with the Rotom, and now... this scenario. Yuu's eyes shifted over to the Pokedex she was delicately holding the moment she stated that it was residing in the Pokedex. [color=92278f]"Wait, did you even..."[/color] Yuu began to silently muse to himself over her accomplishment, pondering on the status of the Rotom. His thoughts, however, ended up shifting to the Gastly based on the explanation as he began scanning the vicinity, pondering if that ghost-type Pokemon was still watching them. Of course those thoughts were quashed the instant he heard the mention of 'Contest Hall.' There was a simultaneous feeling of revulsion slithering down his spine like chilled ichor, but there was also a look of quiet determination, something which Jojo picked up and briefly stopped chatting with Vivi to check up on Yuu... only to find a facial contortion he never saw before. Left the poor Riolu befuddled for a minute trying to make out Yuu's emotional turmoil. The small Pokemon seemed to calm down the moment Yuu seemed to break from that strangely disgusted yet determined glare on his face as the boy placed a hand on his hip and lightly shook his head. [color=92278f]"You're an idiot."[/color] Despite the insult, Yuu was slightly smiling at Clarissa; there was no contempt in his words as his response sounded more like a jovial, friendly prod at the psychic. [color=92278f]"I don't know about the other two, but you don't need to do that for me... if anything should be the other way 'round considering [i]that[/i],"[/color] Yuu jabbed a thumb in the direction of the open hole the forklift left in their wake. As Yuu took a step toward Clarissa, he yelped out a small [color=92278f]"Woah,"[/color] as Vivi rushed by him, hovering around the Pokedex which held the Rotom, greeting them and coaxing the Pokemon to come out and maybe even play a bit. [color=92278f]"Regardless, you mentioned something about a [i]Contest Hall[/i],"[/color] there was still a bit of disgust curdling in the back of his throat as he said that. [color=92278f]"That's convenient; I just so happened to need to stop by there as well,"[/color] the warmth he briefly displayed vanished as he returned to an all too familiar, matter-of-fact somber tone. [color=92278f]"Hm... say, how about you join us on our travels?"[/color] Yuu looked straight at the girl as soon as he stated this offer, continuing his statement, [color=92278f]"I don't think the ninja girl will mind and... Chloe..."[/color] Yuu paused and gave the girl a sidelong glance before continuing, [color=92278f]"Seems like the kind of person who'd be interested in contests... so- woah, Jojo!"[/color] Before he could finish his spiel, Jojo was cheerfully tugging on his arm, pulling it down as the Riolu crooned [color=firebrick]"Riolu!"[/color] Yuu took a moment to regain his balance as a result of the surprise yanking of his arm. Before he knew it, the Riolu was clambering up the side of Yuu's arm before sitting on his shoulder, much like Sir Lopsalot. [color=firebrick]"Rio, rio, riolu!"[/color] Jojo held on to Yuu's hair as he cheerfully waved his paw at the Buneary, joyfully greeting and introducing himself to him. The small Pokemon would then give a bright smile to the bunny before holding its paw out to him, [color=firebrick]"Riolu?"[/color] Despite his partners actions, Yuu was hardly miffed and more chuckled at the whole scenario, [color=92278f]"Trying to get along with Sir Lopsalot, eh?"[/color] The purple haired boy smiled a little before uttering [color=92278f]"Cute."[/color] Yuu just looked at the two before quickly clearing his throat and addressing Clarissa once more, [color=92278f]"Right, so wanna stick together with us?[/color][/cell][cell][hider=Trainer Information || Yuu Nozomu][u]Pokémon [/u] Jojo the Riolu | Lvl 9 | [color=Yellow]Damaged[/color] [u]Pokédollars [/u] 000.005.000P [u]Inventory [/u] x6 Potion x15 Pokéballs [u]Interactions [/u] GM | [@Rune_Alchemist] Jill | [@XxFellsingxX] Chloe | [@Vertigo] Clarissa | [@Crusader Lord][/hider][/cell][/table]