[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=fff200][b]Soldier Boy: [/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Displays an over the top false gagging reflex while all my copies point mockingly at the simulacrums*[/i][/color] [color=7bcdc8][b]Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell:[/b][/color] Alright you children, but Prism is right... despite this being out of place here, there are some life forms across the vastness that... let's just say the concept of a biped humanoid creature is as alien as the concept of a spherical planet... But in the present moment, these abominations are not considered life of any kind. There's a reason even Maelar and his demon hordes stay far enough away from C'Thon despite his ilk would make one think they are from the same camp... Maelar is a creature that was once a cherished son of the heavens, these were not only not created by God or any of the natural laws he fashioned, but one can argue they don't even exist... for whatever madness that might entail... Have you ever known the feeling of being watched or stalked but you could never quite put your finger on who or what is responsible for that feeling? In some cases those are ghosts, in others demons... in many however it is just a malfunctioning survival instinct triggering in a young species... like humans... basically paranoia... But when C'thon hunts, it makes sure you know you are being hunted and by the time you see one of its apparitions, it is already to late... like you are deep in the spider's web, entangled beyond any reasonable way of getting out, and now you see the spider as its about to eat you.... [/quote] That description is... as uncomfortable as it is realistic. How do we fight something like that?