[@Half Pint] Here's an idea off the top of my head... [b][i]Cassandra Kinney was a clone of Dark Claw, trained to be a killer by the KG Beastman (KGBeast + Ursa Major). After being sent to kill Dark Claw and failing, she became his sidekick after escaping Arkham Asylum and making another attempt on his life. Dark Claw had beaten her 'father' and left him to die trapped in a rundown sewer weeks prior. Dark Claw noted her quietness and attributed it to torturous training at the hands of one of the KGB's deadliest assassins. Another sidekick, a blonde girl who took up the mantle of Sparrow, helped her to come out of her shell before Cass went out on her own. Eventually that lead her to cross paths with another former pupil of the 'Claw... Night Vision. After the two butted heads on more than one occasion, Cass finally joined the Titan X team after Night Vision helped her take down the twisted girlfriend of Hyena... Wild Thing (Harley Quinn + Wildchild).[/i][/b]