[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=fff79a][i]*You look forward and something is wrong... though the initial mental anguish seems to have subsided merely for a little, the room before you seems to continue on into the depths far beyond any logical geometry or possibility. This would have been a building unit the size of an average house... yet what you see before your eyes is a seemingly endless hall of rooms without doors and broken furniture and abandoned and broken utensils... something is way off.*[/i][/color] [img]https://images.nightcafe.studio/jobs/rE3OmtbLLzggKa79mHWk/rE3OmtbLLzggKa79mHWk--1--irk1r.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max[/img] [color=fff79a][i]*And when you look back... uuuh... where's the entry room you came through into this habitat module?*[/i][/color] [img]https://i.ibb.co/JxcKPxB/Endless-backrooms-divergent-sci-fi-corridors-2.jpg[/img] [/quote] ∆: C'mon... Now you're teleporting me? Whoever's doing this trippy crapfest had better stop... [color=92278f]*I start to walk around the area, finding more of the same. The room seems to stretch out from beyond my vision...*[/color]