[quote=@RoadkilBanana] ∆: C'mon... Now you're teleporting me? Whoever's doing this trippy crapfest had better stop... [color=92278f]*I start to walk around the area, finding more of the same. The room seems to stretch out from beyond my vision...*[/color] [/quote] [color=fff79a]*You turn a corner and enter past a door frame where normaly there should be a door, except that frame is actually an completely out of place small tunnel the size and shape of a doorframe but extends out for a few dozen feet until you enter in another expanse of halls and habitat-warehouse like rooms - and what's worse, is that, yes the previous scenario was dead silent and frozen in time, but you could at least see the people that would have moved in there and the vehicles and the activity that was frozen, this place however... this place is just [i]EMPTY[/i]... like out of place empty...*[/color] [img]https://images.nightcafe.studio/jobs/zgToXnxbHGeA0t2IblOQ/zgToXnxbHGeA0t2IblOQ--1--8aahq.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max[/img]