[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Cascade couldn't help but visibly balk at Aura when she decided to reach the contract. She looks at the air genasi extremely confused. After all, her distrust stemmed from what they told her about Nanna May. She was already trusting them with helping her protect Zephyr and her family, so why wouldn't she trust their words about people they don't trust? Why was Aura even considering this?! Thankfully, she didn't have to ponder that any longer as Aura makes the flaws of the contract clear for everyone to hear and she makes it clear that she read the contract for her own peace of mind. A sense of relief comes to Cascade thanks to Aura's clarification. She was inclined to agree with Jormund as he suggested continuing on, but the imp spoke up again. After hearing it say it would come back with a better worded contract, she responds, this time much more seriously, her hair starting to roil once more, "[color=00a99d]Hey. We said '[I]No[/I]'. Take the obvious hint![/color]" Cascade then hears Jormund's suggestion of the imp taking the coats to the people himself, and she gains a look that is a clear combination of '[I]Oh HELL No![/I]' and '[I]Why would you say that?![/I]' She adds onto Jormund's words, "[color=00a99d]Jormund, Brah, Ah got a better idea,[/color]" She takes out her trident and points it towards the imp, ready to strike. She speaks to the imp, her voice starting out as a low rumble of a boil to a roar of a tsunami, "[color=00a99d]You've already shown that you are willing to lie and use underhanded tricks to steal souls you and your Masters want. If you are [I]anywhere near[/I] Zephyr or my Ohana, I will send you back to your Masters, [u][b]personally[/b][/u]! So you might want to skedaddle. [I][b]Now,[/b][/i][/color]" She will admit that she is still miffed that the imp tried to use her language, using the word 'Ohana', to try and convince her earlier. But those feelings have been further exacerbated by the idea of the imp and this Nanna May or some other Master targeting her home and her family to a tidal wave of fury. Jormund's words earlier had set her truly on edge. [hider=OOC]I rolled for Intimidation out of curiosity and I got a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/27029]Dirty 20[/url].[/hider]