[hider=Tokoyami Izanagi] [sup][h1][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/V9rmTfN/5720bd91-9a95-48b0-bfea-8f06141a6647.jpg[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] ヒーロー[/color] [color=#66CDAA]ヒーロー[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][center]The Void Hero: Watcher[/center] [center][sub][sup][color=66CDAA][b]D.O.B[/b][/color][/sup] October 31, 2XXX | [sup][color=66CDAA][b]Age[/b][/color][/sup] [sup] 20 [/sup] | [sup][color=66CDAA][b]Class[/B][/color][/sup] A [/sub][/center] [sup][center][color=black] Mimoto[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Mimoto[/color][/center][/sup][center] Tokoyami Izanagi [/center] [sup][center][color=black] Shigoto[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Shigoto[/color][/center][/sup][center]Hawks Agency[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Joretsu[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Joretsu[/color][/center][/sup][center]B(?)[/center] [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 由来[/color] [color=#66CDAA]由来[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Origin[/center] [Sub][color=66CDAA]Rising[/color][/sub] Izanagi had not been given a good lot in life. Born into a family of extreme mutants with dark, shadowy quirks that were all completely villainous at first glance, Izanagi has had to contend with consistent discrimination and hatred for most of his life. If not for his rather inhuman appearance that reminded many of a mythical tengu that would seek to bring sorrow and despair to those around them, then he would be picked on for his quirk. His was a dark and evil quirk, his classmates teased. He could only possibly become a villain. While his parents and the rest of the extended family were very supportive, there was only so much that could do when many people either look at him with nasty expressions or outright deny service on restaurants and other such establishments. Something was deeply wrong with society outside of the cities, and there was little being done to curb this rot. Of course, he didn't get the worst of it, because he was relatively "normal" looking compared to other members of his family, who could be described as "eldritch creatures" in appearance. His father, for instance, is a walking, waking shadows with strange eyes that spoke in interlaced, distorted voices, making all that saw him feel dreadfully afraid, even if he eas in fact one of the nicest people ever. But Izanagi watch this happen, even when members of the Creature Rejection Clan attacked them and other mutants in their town only to be fended off by a newly minted Gang Orca. Truth be told, during his middle school years, he genuinely considered turning into a villain out of spite. He goes mad and transforms once, and now everyone thinks he's a monster? Well, I'll give them a monster, he thought. That is, until he learned that his cousin, who had a similarly terrifying quirk, entered a hero school, UA itself. Curious, Izanagi would ask his more heroic-minded cousin on his mother's side, Fumikage, about what made him want to be a hero despite being constantly seen as something “evil-looking.” Eventually, over the course of a year of thinking and self-reflection, Izanagi decided that to be a hero was the way to go. For one, he will prove those quirkist idiots wrong. And for two, he heard that saving people was the best feeling to ever have. And three… it just felt right. [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 性格[/color] [color=#66CDAA]性格[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Individuality[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Personality[/color][/sub] As much as he would like to pretend to be this dark, brooding character, Izanagi’s veil is far too thin. While he initially had doubts when he entered Eirei Academy, his classmates had proven to be infinitely more accepting than the people in his middle school, not minding that he could turn into a beast of total darkness and destruction. As a result, he has adopted a horridly casual disposition, giving people embarrassing nicknames and asking for headpats, all the while being a rather friendly, if not speaking scantly. Izanagi has proven to be extremely protective, too. His major personality flaw, though, is that he can be somewhat stubborn and unreasonable if he believes in something, or someone. This could be attributed to his quirk, as it feeds on and perpetuates emotion. [sup][center][color=black] Support Items[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Support Items[/color][/center][/sup][center]Tools[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Shrouds of Darkness[/color][/sub] Smoke grenades that release vast amounts of black smoke that obscure enemy vision. [sup][center][color=black] Fighting Style[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Skills[/color][/center][/sup][center]Handy Skills[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Hand To Hand[/color][/sub] Not every fight needs to be bitten and stomped in half. Sometimes, you just need to punch them really hard in the face. [sub][color=66CDAA]A Really Good Singer[/color][/sub] If Eirei has a choir, then he’d be it's lead bass. [sup][h1][center][color=black] 能力[/color] [color=#66CDAA]能力[/color][/center][/h1][/sup][center] Meta Ability[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Quirk[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Quirk[/color][/center][/sup][center]Shadow Griffin[/center][Sub] [color=66CDAA]Quirktype[/color][/sub] Mutant Transformation [Sub][color=66CDAA]Quirkodds[/color][/sub] Awakened [Sub][color=66CDAA]Quirkwork[/color][/sub] Izanagi’s quirk allows him to turn part or all of his body into a semi-solid shadow that resembles a gryphon… if a gryphon had a crow's head instead of an eagle's, had a horn on its head, had sharp teeth inside the beak, and was made out of pure darkness, and had no wings. When he first started, he could only turn parts of himself into what would become the greater whole, but eventually, he was able to successfully fully transform for the first time since he was a kid without going into a berserk rage. Unlike the quirk of his older cousin, Tokoyami Fumikage, Izanagi does not get empowered by darkness or debilitated by light. Rather, it becomes stronger and controllable when its user is motivated by what he believes to be a righteous cause, goes berserk if rage and other similar negative, powerful emotions are at the forefront, and is weakened by feelings of sorrow and regret. Izanagi uses his desire for a more peaceful and just society as an anchor, keeping his quirk at its strongest possible state. When transformed for a long time, he would often forget that he is, in fact, a person, and starts acting more like a cat. He will demand attention and pets, going as far as purr when that desire is granted. Embarrassingly enough, he will remember it all when he finally decides to turn back. [hr][/hider] [hider=Ueno Haru] [sup][h1][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/CWHmdJ1/IMG-20241121-224719.png[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] ヒーロー[/color] [color=#66CDAA]ヒーロー[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][center]The Luminous Hero - Sol Invictus[/center] [center][sub][sup][color=66CDAA][b]D.O.B[/b][/color][/sup] August 5, 2XXX | [sup][color=66CDAA][b]Age[/b][/color][/sup] [sup] 19 [/sup] | [sup][color=66CDAA][b]Class[/B][/color][/sup] 2B [/sub][/center] [sup][center][color=black] Mimoto[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Mimoto[/color][/center][/sup][center] Ueno Haru [/center] [sup][center][color=black] Shigoto[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Shigoto[/color][/center][/sup][center]Nighteye Agency[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Joretsu[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Joretsu[/color][/center][/sup][center]C+[/center] [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 由来[/color] [color=#66CDAA]由来[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Origin[/center] [Sub][color=66CDAA]Rising[/color][/sub] Haru was born to a quirkful father and quirkless mother, and on the day of his birth, the doctors and nurses found themselves awed- and somewhat blinded, by his luminant majesty (and befuddled by the blue skin mutation). The fact that his powers were so involved with luminosity came as a surprise to his father, a mid tier Pro Hero whose quirk allowed him to manipulate nearby shadows. Still, Haru would be patiently taught how to control his quirk by the age of three, as his passive absorption of light eventually made it difficult to look at him without sunglasses. Over this time, he would be instilled with the values that would eventually foment into the desire to become a hero. This glimmering child would eventually grow up with a strong moral compass of right and wrong, good and evil, and the nuances that may exist in between. While he lived in a rural area with a low population (and thus little crime), watching the news of villains committing villainy and heroes stopping them with their heroism inspired him to desire to become a hero. Of course, every kid his age wants to be a hero, but he had a strong, flashy quirk in a rather literal sense. So, everyone around him thought that, yes, he should become a hero. He would especially admire the Symbol of Peace, the number one hero of Japan, All Might. The news of All Night's death when Haru was six years old was a truly devastating event, but at the same time, knowing that All Might died defeating the greatest villain of all, All For One, also kindled inspiration. He would be always told this by his father: “Be willing to sacrifice if you truly must, but never seek it out.” As his father was one of those Pro Heroes who kept their true identities secret from the public, Haru would pick up on it, realizing the rationale behind the secrecy. So, in his pursuit of becoming a hero like All Might and his father, he chose to attend his father's Alma Mater, Eirei Academy. [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 性格[/color] [color=#66CDAA]性格[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Individuality[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Personality[/color][/sub] Loud. Tries to be helpful however he can. A little awkward when he runs out of things to say. Haru is, in many ways, like his quirk: overbearing, attention-grabbing, and bright, with a stupid smile that's visible because he deliberately kept the lower part of his costume’s helmet open. Unlike his idol, though, he eventually runs out of words to say, as if he had a prepared script for certain situations. In those times, he becomes awkward, like he doesn't know what to say as he scrambles to think of something new. Either way, he likes being a ray of sunshine, because he quite literally is. However, just like the sun itself, he can be a little unpredictable and violent when agitated or irritated. He tries his best to curb those tendencies, as any hero student should, but it is not easy. [sup][center][color=black] Support Items[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Support Items[/color][/center][/sup][center]Tools[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]The Inward Lights[/color][/sub] Haru’s costume incorporates hundreds of tiny, activateable light emitters that point inward, allowing him to be of use even in dark places. However, he's nowhere as strong as he would be under a summer sun. [sub][color=66CDAA]Blackout Visor[/color][/sub] Protects Haru’s eyes from his own light shows by automatically dimming whenever he uses a powerful move. It is also equipped with night vision goggles to allow him to navigate when he darkens his current location with his Quirk. [sup][center][color=black] Fighting Style[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Fighting Style[/color][/center][/sup][center]Handy Skills[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Let Him Cook [/color][/sub] Haru is a masterful cook, utilizing even leftovers to make good soup. As a result, everyone in the dorms look forward to the day of the week when he's assigned to make food. [sub][color=66CDAA] Pianist [/color][/sub] Haru plays the aforementioned instrument with decent proficiency. He played in a band during the last Cultural Festival. [sup][h1][center][color=black] 能力[/color] [color=#66CDAA]能力[/color][/center][/h1][/sup][center] Meta Ability[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Quirk[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Quirk[/color][/center][/sup][center]Photomancy[/center][Sub] [color=66CDAA]Quirktype[/color][/sub] Accumulation/Emitter Hybrid [Sub][color=66CDAA]Quirkodds[/color][/sub] Awakened [Sub][color=66CDAA]Quirkwork[/color][/sub] Haru’s Quirk allows him to absorb and store nearby photons to fuel his abilities. It has rather versatile applications; he can create orbs to illuminate dark places, emit powerful laser beams from his hands and eyes, blind enemies with flashbangs, and provide heating either through passive emission of warm “sunlight” or physical touch. For the less intensive applications (warmth and lighting), the passive absorption of light throughout the day is more than enough. However, when firing beams or emitting blinding flashbangs, Haru will start consuming photons at an absurd rate, to the point that a 1 meter radius around him can become completely lightless whenever he uses a powerful move (and thus impossible to see in and out of without thermal goggles or a search type Quirk). As such, he has to keep changing positions in a fight to fully utilize his Quirk. He will generally keep releasing absorbed photons over the course of a day, as storing too much at the same time can cause dangerous side effects such as nausea and fatigue. It's easy to tell when he has too much, too, as he'd quite literally be glowing by then. When he's wounded, it would be apparent that his blood is glowing, at least when exposed to air[hr] [/hider]