[b]Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald[/b] “I will say, that is a rather impressive act coming from you.” The bird spoke, and the Lord of the Clocktower smugly held his chin in his hand. This was impressive to him as far as he was concerned- he never thought of the Animushpheres as a particularly impressive clan of individuals, yet this boy actually displayed some level of conviction. “Very well, let our alliance to end a fool’s supposed tyranny commence.” The Grail was his to claim, if he played his cards right. He could not let his arrogance cloud his judgment, so that this entire situation could be resolved. He wondered though, if the boy was willing to do drastic things in order to win the war, and ultimately, destroy his father for whatever reason that he believed in, and so, the Clocktower Lord’s familiar spoke up: “Are you willing to commit any act to get to your goal, Oleg-Marie?” The Lord stared intently at the projection that was in front of him, of the prospect of his alliance with the boy. If he would answer to his satisfaction, then he would perhaps not betray him in the end. [@Letter Bee]