[b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] Shielder sighed and said, [b]"No, I do not lie. As for how I found out about all this, well, the Grail itself is in a tug-of-war between 'Fragments of Purity' trying to prevent Angra Manjyu from corrupting any Wish made, and Angra Manjyu itself. Various acts committed during the Holy Grail War will affect that tug of war. I have one of those Fragments inside me during my summoning pumping knowledge into my Saint Graph from the Grail, but [i]not[/i] extra Mana - This is another reason why I need to either stick to Leylines or get someone to provide me with magical energy soon... Although to be honest, I'd choose Rider any day after he stood up for me, and as atonement for me being indiscreet with his True Name and Identity."[/b] He then faced Saber and sighed, [b]"So it seems that you'll have to make a very good counter-offer or just defeat me if you want me serving you - I have a debt to repay now..."[/b] [@GubGar][@Randomguy][@Double D] [b][i]Oleg-Marie Animusphere[/i][/b] Oleg grumbled at Kayneth's words, making his views clear with his own, [b]"No one trusts anyone 'willing to commit any act' to get to their goal. So paradoxically, to get my goal of displacing my father and stopping his foolishness... I must have some limits. That said, I am willing to kill and betray to get what I want; sometimes the end does justify the means, and sometimes... It might not. It depends on what ends and what means. Is that an adequate answer, Lord El-Melloi?"[/b] While waiting, he took out his personal Mystic Code, a microcosm of his father's project, "CHALDEAS", and gave it a short, but deep glance, before muttering, [b]"Huh, Lorenzo and a bunch of Servants are in an abandoned construction lot. Also, it seems like some of the corruption that stopped my father from using the Fuyuki Grail has rubbed off on the Kyoto one."[/b] Remembering Puss' existence, Oleg then telepathically messaged, [i]Assassin, you're still watching that construction site, right? If so... Observe what you can about that mysterious Saber. If you can kill her Master, [b]do so at once[/b].[/i] No Command Seals were used, though, and Puss can feel, through their bond, that Oleg [i]didn't actually want to[/i] kill Saber's Master, the Churchman. But he was still going to do so if it got him an advantage. After all, [i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya[/i] was the enemy, mysterious personal attachments must be pushed aside. [@GOATPlumber][@ManyThings]