[color=fff200][b]Soldier Boy:[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*the mass of Benjamins do the breathing, but it is a bit out of sync, one is heard shuffling, one is heard moaning in complaint*[/i][/color] Damn... this is... boring... and quite annoying [color=7bcdc8][b]Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell:[/b][/color] Prism is doing it right, you, however, need to understand a bit more of what this focus entails. You not only need to focus on your intention of being aware 100% on one particular thing with all your mind, emotion and feeling, but how to ignore the constant streams of emotions, thoughts, worries, desires and all around chaos that an undisciplined mind is naturally generating on a constant basis. Then do these things together, and you have done your very first consciousness "push up"