[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] As it turned out, Berserker’s assumption was wrong. There was someone at the temple; they were just slow in making themselves known. He stepped into front of his Master as the other Servant appeared, not blocking Shou’s line of sight of the newcomer but placing their body between the mage and the potential threat. The temple’s occupant was a swordsman, a samurai specifically, by appearances; the robes and lack of armour made him look more like a noble or a bureaucrat than a warrior in Hang’s opinion, but the air of confidence and competence he carried himself with and the ease with which the sword sat at his side ensured he would not underestimate this opponent. Should it come to a fight. They were a Rogue Servant though. Supposedly not after the Grail and looking only to protect the temple and their territory; Saber claimed not to be their enemy, unless they made one of themselves first. Berserker’s fist clenched around the hilt of his blade when the katana was drawn, though the lack of reaction from the Noble Phantasm itself let him know that this was a not a real threat, just a bit of theatrics. Nonetheless, Berserker almost drew his blade in turn; all this talk of territory and taking heads was starting to make the red creep in at the edges of his vision. Saber was not a tyrant, he was not a king or even a leader, though he may be some kind of noble based on the way his Master mentioned a clan name; but the high handedness with which they were handling this situation… Hang Jebat relaxed his grip but did not let go of his weapon’s hilt. [color=007236]“As you say, Master.”[/color] [@Randomguy][@Iamme]