[indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJvvETsuhpopS8WH6B5C3GmsV0FM2RbJnAQe4oR63oA5yp3lGdKy7ysFhn&s=10[/img][hr][/center] [quote]Nomu Debriefing/Collab Post With Dragon Arts/rexgn [@Dragon Arts][@rexgn][@JrVader] [/quote] Hebi listened to Yusuke's words while looking through the menu, ordering extra for her snakes. Mr. Moneybags over here, reserving the Executive Top. Though he seemed like he wasn’t trying to be a total pain, she was grateful. Yusuke smiled, he already knew about Hebi’s Quirk including most of his peers for the past six months. Although he talked to Kanako at times, it was never this close at all, hence lacking her Quirk to his sleeves, he looked at his Hawkspad and skimmed to some news. Finally, he changed its form & reshaped it into a small projector that formed a holographic interface. He tossed it like a dart on the wall. With a silly smile & chuckle, Yusuke used his Hawks Projector & accessed the form called Cerebral Interface, setting it to a point of only hive mind conversation, not hearing deep thoughts & biased slips. [color=royalblue]“We can talk while hearing each other's surface thoughts but not the private ones, Cerebral Inhibitor is a nice feature for the technical literate. Kanako, I respect your privacy and with technology like this, you don't have to exhaust your hands for sign language.”[/color] He said while telekinetically suspending the paper on air, reassuring her trust, he took the paper anyway. He used his thoughts: [I,]“I can sense kindred emotions and the both of you are genuine yet I sense doubt, empathic resonance is a function that I can't turn off in my Quirk. Have no fear, because I am here, and I'll be sure to take an Anti-Quirk Drug for you to read my mind after this meeting. Telepaths are sure overthinkers.”,,[/I,] He knew very well that he's the strongest 1B student after Jun. He then turned his attention to Hebi. [color=royalblue]“Let's enjoy our time.” [/color] [color=royalblue]“Now then, while I enjoy my pasta, whatever happened earlier in class, that's water under the bridge and my Quirk out of control.”[/color] [color=royalblue]“I have information about our talks to come.”[/color] Yusuke flashed the screen with footage of Nomu discussions between the Agencies of Endeavor, Best Jeanist and Hawks. Hebi curiously eyed the footage, her mind racing to piece together whatever the hell was going on. These were…interesting developments, to understate it. Yuksuke’s attitude always pissed her off but she couldn’t say he wasn’t good at what he did. [color=c4df9b]“Always the bright informant, Yusuke.”[/color] She dragged her eyes to his face, narrowing her eyes, her snakes following suit. [color=c4df9b]“Also about your hissy fit, in class earlier. I’m flattered and offended at the same time at your use of my quirk."[/color] Before Yusuke could reply... Kanako voiced out with her Quirk to Yusuke. [color=orange]"You want to know why I’m mute? I shouldn’t tell you, you really really don’t want to hear it. But fine, I was cowered in the corner of the training room. At that point I’d tried running away twice, both times being caught and brought back to the hell-hole that was a villain group, the Storm Ragers. That person towered above me, dark and looming.[/color] Kanako’s thoughts and memories tangled into one, reliving the events as though they were happening now, into Yusuke's mind. That day she’d been “training” under Mauve, really it was just Mauve beating the shit out of her and calling it “learning through experience,” then getting mad at her when she tried to fight back. Kanako was already bleeding from five different places, bruised all over, and was pretty sure her wrist was broken in two places. Her hand that wasn’t broken was shaking, she clenched it into a fist. Indignant passionate fire burned through her. It’d just been one remark, a small comment, albeit it was disrespectful. But why should she respect someone like Mauve? The person who’d literally kidnapped her and forced her to work for a group of villains she wanted nothing to do with.  She didn’t want anything to do with any villain groups, not anymore. [color=orange]"Then blood, and sharp pain in my mouth… and well… you can probably guess what happened, just, don’t let yourself imagine the details, you’ll have nightmares for weeks."[/color] Yusuke grinned. He expected people to be heavily on guard to not reveal their feelings and even Quirks by now. Kanako being one of the fettered people just never gets old, Yusuke surely knew how to get under people's skin. [color=royalblue]"My sincerest apologies, I didn't know you had it in you, Kanako. I can feel a sense of abandonment in such degrees of solitude, I'll make an oath to never edge you into such manipulative gains. Your Quirk is something I long wanted but now that I have an inkling of it, I reject the notion of having it.[/color] Yusuke interjected to himself. [i]The cool sensation earlier in class was Himura-senpai's Quirk, like Kanako, she's a telepath, it seems that Himura-senpai hides a secret. [/i] Petty of the news that Kazuki got a girlfriend first, Yusuke used this opportunity to one-up. Yusuke intentionally let his thoughts about Kanako afloat, confessing his romantic feelings to her, assuming her Quirk can intercept it,the device however can't detect it. Whether it's a manipulative gain or not, we can never be sure. Yusuke then received Mei's report. [quote][b]Team Operations[/b] Blackhawks Cooperation. (Part of the Report) It seems that Night Eye's Agency will be joining us as well. We don't have time, Nomu is on the loose. — Mei/Ignia [/quote] [color=royalblue]"Worry about the food later, it's already here, below us.[/color] Yusuke mustered enough energy. [color=royalblue]"Hydrafulminate! Let's go!"[/color] Yusuke uses both Kaiga and Hebi's Quirk, which mutated into one, Yusuke uses burning snakes and made a hole into ground. Yusuke also sent an SOS to Kaiga. [quote]Like if you can get Rin and Jun to join the fun, we're partying with a Nomu[/quote] [@Iamme] [/indent][/indent][/indent]