[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: Le'Nombril Restau,[/sub][hr] How many hidden weapons Kanako had on her at any given moment would never be figured out apparently. She pulled out two daggers from the sleeves of her jacket then jumped down through the hole Yusuke's burning snakes had made without pausing or hesitating for a second. She was already regretting trying to explain why she couldn't talk. She'd heard a few of Yusuke's subconscious thoughts without him realizing it, wondering what the best way to communicate with someone who couldn't talk was, those thoughts were followed by wondering why she couldn't talk in the first place, hence her response. So the next subconscious thoughts she heard, him confessing to her, she deliberately ignored. She made a mental note that Yusuke could hardly hide any of his thoughts. To prevent any more awkward situations in the future she might try to teach him a few tricks to hide his thoughts later. But dealing with the Nomu was priority #1 right now. She hit the ground on the lower level and looked around, her earlier assessment of who were Pro Heroes held true. Now [i]this[/i], pure chaos, immense danger, and no time to plan ahead. This was when Kanako was in her element. First step: Figure out what the hell's going on. Ice, Rin's doing, an attempt to slow the Nomu. Hawks Heroes evacuating people already. She made her way calmly through the panicked patrons and past the other Hawks Heroes outside and towards the Nomu, she could hear it speak above the sounds of screams. [color=ffb200][i]It's got a voice... that's a first. Next question is whether it has thoughts, or if it's like a parrot, voice, but no exploitable mind. It's contrived from a person, so the possibility that it has a mind is still viable, although if it does I'm guessing it'll be like the mind of someone who's high, nearly completely useless to me. If that's the case I'll have to rely on combat for the first time in a while. Look for weak points: Wrists, crack the bones and sever the ligaments, that'll render them useless. If they grow back I'll be able to tell exactly how much of a regeneration factor it has, depending on time it takes to regrow and how well it can regrow. Possibly the fire on it's back, a weak point between the muscle and spinal vertebrae where the fire emits from. The eyes, always a starting point. It'd still be able to function without sight most likely, but there's a lot of nerves around the eyes, distract it with the pain, get it to scream, or roar or whatever, then memorize it's vocal patterns and try using my quirk on it. If I link my mind to it will it's goal seep through to my mind, or mine to it's. I've got to consider the possibility that this could go either way. This will either be a really good idea, or a really, really bad one. Just wait, figure out more, then act.[/i][/color] [color=ffb200][i]What kind of people is it targeting? Is there a consistent theme? Keep that thought, that'll be useful to figure out,[/i][/color] All these thoughts passed through her mind in the span of only a second. Her mind was working at twice the pace of a normal person's mind now, three times, she steadied into that pace of thought and allowed herself a moment to send a few surface thoughts to Hebi and Yusuke. [color=ffb200][i]In a minute I'm going to disconnect myself from this telepathic link. I'm going to try linking my mind to the Nomu, I'm going to deacteviate my quirk and leave the telepathic link from the hawkpads so that if it breaks my mind I wont drag you two down too.[/i][/color] Partly a joke, mostly genuine. The idea of using her quirk on the Nomu was a risk, a risk she was willing to take. Second step: Act based on the information available. Kanako slipped one dagger back into the sheath on the inside of her sleeve and threw the other one with deadly accuracy towards the Nomu. The blade lodged itself firmly in the Nomu's left eye. It didn't [i]exactly[/i] have the effect Kanako had been hoping for. The Nomu didn't even flinch, it turned to Kanako and rushed towards her. Kanako narrowed her eyes but didn't move until it was just about to crash into her. She stepped to the side quickly, pulled out her other dagger from her sleeve, and stabbed it firmly into the Nomu's back, right underneath it's shoulder blade. The Nomu whipped around and slammed it's arm into Kanako's chest, sending her flying backwards. Kanako heard her ribs crack at the impact. She skidded but didn't lose her balance somehow. She took out a throwing knife from the pocket on the side of her pant leg and threw it towards the Nomu, hitting it right in the center of it's face. Never could it be said that Kanako didn't know how to throw a knife. Unfortunately the Nomu didn't seem too bothered by any of the blades. [color=ffb200][i]High pain tolerance, very advanced regenerative abilities. Physical attacks wont do much against it, unless they're ending it,[/i][/color] Kanako noted, seeing that the dagger in it's shoulder didn't hamper it at all from moving. Honestly fighting with this many knives was fun, even if it was ineffective at the moment. The Nomu started rambling again. Kanako memorized it's voice patterns quickly, ignoring the other sounds around. She severed the link between her and Yusuke's minds then cut herself out of the telepathic link made by the hawkpads. If this ended badly she wasn't going to drag Yusuke and Hebi down with her. Then she linked her mind to the Nomu's. Inside the Nomu's mind was horrible. Chaotic and indiscernible. A searing headache bloomed in the back of Kanako's head. She felt her sense of reality slip as she searched through the Nomu's mind for something, anything she could use. A single coherent thought would do. Something to latch onto, anything that could giver her the slightest bit of leverage. Instead there was just an immense dark void filled with an instinct to kill. It was eerily similar to how Kanako had felt after the class earlier today. A fog, all consuming, and impenetrable, it drifted from the Nomu's mind to Kanako's. She found herself lost in the fog, completely unaware of what was happening around her. Completely unaware of what she was doing. From the perspective of anyone watching on it would look like Kanako had gone completely insane, attacking anyone around her, whether they be a Hero, civilian, or the Nomu. Her eyes were glowing a bright gold orange, as were the Nomu's. Needless to be said, it'd been a really, really bad idea.