[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=fff200][u][b]Theme of Prism's Upliftment in consciousness and awareness of the deeper self --> [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HluGMwmIk2U]NEUROQ - Eastern Grace[/url][/b][/u][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*As you recombine, a profound realization washes over you. The once-blurry lines between your countless selves have sharpened, each individual consciousness now distinct within a unified whole. It's as if a higher level of awareness has awakened within you, a central 'you' overseeing a symphony of reflections. [img][/img] This newfound clarity extends beyond the mental. You feel a surge of energy focused in your anterior cingulate cortex, both in your physical brain and the ethereal essence that is your spirit. It's a command center, a throne room where you rule over your myriad selves with unwavering authority. The fear of losing yourself to fractured personalities, a constant specter in your past, now seems distant. You can sense the thoughts and emotions of each individual Prism identity after recombining in one, guiding them, correcting their course if needed, and ultimately reintegrating them into the whole without the risk of contamination. This is more than just an evolution of your powers; it's a transformation of your very being. You are no longer a collection of fragments, but a symphony conductor, orchestrating a harmonious chorus of consciousness. The potential for chaos remains, but now you wield the baton, shaping your destiny with newfound precision and control.*[/i][/color] [/quote] *One at a time, each copy opens its eyes and merges into its neighbor*