[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=fff200][b]Soldier Boy:[/b][/color] After about an hour of suffering my multitude finally seems to have relaxed in an intense state of focus the like one wouldn't expect for such a rough and tumble soldier man, almost like that 'inspiration' i was claimed to have, has fully taklen hold of my discipline and i'm now suddenly in tune with a deep and abiding mental clarity* [color=7bcdc8][b]Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell:[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Looking at the both of us and sensing our deep and resonating surprise in our consciousnesses* [/i][/color] Hmmm... interesting... how very... profound! I'm impressed with what i'm feeling here... way past what i expected! [/quote] *From the remaining copy* I’m actually a little surprised that you’re surprised. *Smiles* No faith in us?