[center][h2][color=gold]Ueno Haru - Sol Invictus[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Location: [color=lightcoral] Le'Nombril Restau[/color] Food… Here Haru was, away from his usual area of operations, walking to the exclusive area of the renowned Le'Nombril Restau. Very French, and very fancy. He wore his hero costume, outwardly consisting of a white cloak emblazoned with golden symbols that generally represented the sun. A helmet with an angelic-looking halo mounted behind it obscured his face, ensuring that the public only knew him as Sol Invictus and not as Ueno Haru. At this time, Haru had been given a mission by Sir Nighteye. Rumors of a Nomu sighting had been circulating around and round here, and it was heavily implied that someone's actually mass producing those things again. Such gossip must always be taken seriously; the creatures, the resurrected corpses that had been jammed to the brim with as many Quirks as inhumanly possible, are and always have been difficult to get rid of. Haru recalled that Endeavour usually just burned their heads off… and again, does it really count as dead, if it already died? Nomu are just fleshy automatons, are they not? Very powerful automatons, one should add, but Haru pondered, as he ate the last remnants of his meal, whether the “license to kill” that could be acquired through interning in Hawks’ agency was needed to permanently take those out. Hawks’, Best Jeanist’s, and Endeavour’s agencies were already looking into it, Sir Nighteye said. Haru needed only to join their efforts. He had only entered the Executive Top, though, when he heard a woman scream from the nearby street. Then, Yusuke, the quirk copyer in the class, made a hole in the floor using a mass of flaming snakes. “Of course it appeared just now!” Haru grumbled as he rushed to the three that were preparing to get into the action in the street below. “Hey!” Haru called out to them. They were probably not aware that one of the Nighteye's interns (and another classmate) was already here. “I was sent here by Sir Nighteye to aid in the investigation, but it looks like we're going to fight… I'll go with you now.” The thought of blasting the wrath of the sun into the Nomu’s face coursed through Haru’s veins as the nearby lights began to dim, their photons consumed by Haru/Sol Invictus.