[center] [img] https://i.ibb.co/z6KmDsm/arachne.png [/img] [/center] [hr] The Caster type servant continued swinging around the city until she found the parking lot, deciding not to rush things up she circled at the surrounding buildings allowing her to prepare a few strings in case of an emergency. After that she landed on a nearby rooftop, giving her a good view of the situation, covering herself with black cloak won't probably hide her from most of the servants here but it would allow her to hide her face from the bickering servants. [quote=@Letter Bee] "No, I do not lie. As for how I found out about all this, well, the Grail itself is in a tug-of-war between 'Fragments of Purity' trying to prevent Angra Manjyu from corrupting any Wish made, and Angra Manjyu itself. Various acts committed during the Holy Grail War will affect that tug of war. I have one of those Fragments inside me during my summoning pumping knowledge into my Saint Graph from the Grail, but not extra Mana - This is another reason why I need to either stick to Leylines or get someone to provide me with magical energy soon... Although to be honest, I'd choose Rider any day after he stood up for me, and as atonement for me being indiscreet with his True Name and Identity." [/quote] The Caster cooed at the rouge Saber's explanation before mentally communicating to her Master. [color=ec008c]"Are you hearing this Master? It seems that the wish would be very risky even if you won."[/color] she spoke in their shared link before focusing on the parking lot where a stand-off is occurring. Strings began forming beneath her cloak as she felt the tension of the battle. [color=ec008c][b][i]The main priority here is survival, making the barbarian Princess spill her name is the secondary goal. She lost if her name got revealed for no gain.[/i][/b][/color] She can do that.