[hider=Kreszenz Leichenberg - The Symphony of Storms][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]Kreszenz[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Leichenberg[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/2CrsRAP.png[/img][/hider][i][sub]| 16 y/o | 5'8/133lbs | Female |[/sub] "Forward, forward! Deliver upon our foes a storm of steel!"[/i][hr][sup][b]PERSONALITY:[/b] | Such pride, such arrogance! Kreszenz Leichenberg has never known humility, even in defeat. Her chin lifts high, her nose even higher, as she looks down upon the world that she knows will be her own. This is the girl who has lived upon high mountains, high castles, high towers. Praised only as exceptional since childhood, her voice rings out as haughtily as her laughter, the pride that stiffens her spine becoming a lightning rod too that draws forth only conflict. Clover Kingdom has changed since the prominence of the Anti-Magic King, after all. The arrogance of nobility had no place in a society where others were encouraged to reach for summits beyond their station. In an environment where a common villager could seriously entertain dreams of becoming a Magic Knight, in an environment where the sacrifices of generations bearing the burden of rule were forgotten, where aristocrats learn to guard their tongue lest outrage overflows and becomes disobedience, Kreszenz remains adamant in her capabilities as a noble. If they swear their fealty to her, she will give their lives meaning. If they sought to reach beyond their means, she will be the adjudicator of their trial. It is perhaps owing to that same nobility of hers, that Kreszenz, for all that arrogance, all that pride, remains [i]polarizing[/i], rather than simply unbearable. For she is loyal to her own, and frank in her assessments. If one wishes to better themselves, then she will show them with brutal honesty just how far they must go. And if there are those who seek to harm what is hers? [i]That[/i] is an offense worth waging war over. One would be hard-pressed indeed, to see Kreszenz Leichenberg as anything but a quintessential noble. | [b]MAGIC:[/b] | Lightning Magic: Capable of wide-spread destruction delivered at blinding speeds, the Leichenberg Family's Lightning Magic evokes a symphonic storm. Bolts of lightning rain from the heavens, while finer alterations of electric force repels invaders or informs allies. What could the hordes accomplish indeed, when they've been brought to heel as an audience to the conductor's calamitous castigation? | [b]SPELLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SPELL LIST][list][*][b]Canon: Heaven's Strike[/b] - [i]Offensive[/i] - Lightning gathers upon the tip of Kreszenz's wand, before being released in a destructive blast. This can be continuously charged to increase the power of the spell or increase the amount of bolts released. [*][b]Caesura: Polar Bindings[/b] - [i]Restraining[/i] - Two orbs of electrical energy are shot out towards two separate objects or individuals, before a magnetic bond is formed between the two and the lighter of the objects is swiftly drawn towards the heavier of the objects. Though generally used to pin someone to a wall or a rock, can also be used to propel a weapon towards them instead. [*][b]Forza: Inspiration and Aspiration[/b] - [i]Communication[/i] - A halo of lightning manifests over Kreszenz's head and then shatters, releasing a wide-range electrical pulse in a large radius around her. Those that she recognizes as allies will receive the thoughts and images she has 'packaged' within the crown, while that same information will be just a scrambled burst of 'static' for anyone else. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]ABILITIES & SKILLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SKILL LIST][list][*][b]High Mana Capacity[/b] - Even amongst other nobles, Kreszenz is [i]beloved[/i] by mana, possessing exceptional quantities of it within her body. With such power, naturally comes ambition and expectation. [*][b]Battlefield Command[/b] - Kreszenz was taught at a young age that for the role she sought to attain, she would need to see others as tools, and to place such tools in the position which they would best perform. She acts decisively and commands boldly. Similarly, when failure strikes, she steps forth as the sole bearer of responsibility, for only cowards blame their tools. [*][b]Noblesse Oblige[/b] - Her blood runs the blue of her lightning, and she possesses an overbearing confidence that no doubt can be seen as arrogance. Perhaps it is undeserved. Perhaps her audacity can be too much. But what of it? She is fearless and like lightning, has the propensity to appear in the presence of naked steel. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]GOALS & FEARS:[/b] | To become the Wizard King, usurp the Clover King, and unite the world under a single banner, for the purpose of crafting a prosperous and purposeful society. | | Kreszenz is entirely confident that she will accomplish her goal. Kreszenz is entirely certain that it will be worth it. But there are too many allegories of good intentions, grand ambitions. How many times, in seeking to be great, have aspirants forgotten to be [i]good[/i]? She is certain and she is confident, and she will make the hard decisions when she needs to. A mountain of corpses, a throne made of the dead. War, waged with enough violence and vigor to consume the continent and force all under a singular banner. There were no such things as peaceful transitions. So how could she ensure that she could remain herself once the flames were pushed to smoulder? How could she ensure that she wields the methods, but not the manner, of a tyrant? That she doesn't fall to unsightly self-preservation? Kreszenz needs an equal. A staunch ally with an unwavering moral compass who could stop her from straying, but who would paradoxically understand the necessity of atrocity when it came down to it. But she is certain that such a convenient person does not exist. | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]War was in their blood. House Leichenberg had earned their noble privilege through military accomplishments. Their noble blood ran as pure as any other who nestled in the Noble Realm, but their reputation remained that of backcountry hicks who could not live in proper society. All because they saw the protection of the realm as their divinely-mandated duty. All because they watched over the westernmost lands of the Forsaken Realm, taking on the mantle of the ones who would be the first to meet an invasion of enemy forces. And though they were outcasts in noble society, there on the frontiers of Clover Kingdom, they were beloved by their subjects. Blessed lightning descended from blue skies. With thunderous aplomb, the Magic Knights of House Leichenberg would arrive, cleaving through those that sought to harm the people of the kingdom! But one House, no matter how exceptional, how warlike, could have prepared for the Spade Kingdom. ... What is House Leichenberg, but a name in history books? Certainly, during the age of heroics brought forth by the Anti Magic King and his companions, there was not even a footnote spared for them. The Spade Kingdom's invasion had not been paused by the Leichenberg's heavenbound castigation, so they must have fallen in battle. They were never the type to engage in politics, and had been too bull-headed and uncompromising to be effective even if they did, so the impact of their disappearance did not register in high society. And what [i]of[/i] the vagrants and peasants they sheltered in the Kingdom's frontier? The taxes that could be collected from them couldn't even be considered a drop in the bucket. If they were all wiped out, it was a tragedy, but only one that merited a flicker of sadness before one moved on with their lives. And so, one hundred and fifty years passed. A child was born and given a role. She lived on high mountains clustered by cloud, raised by remnants of a once-glorious lineage. She was beloved, even before she was exceptional. Though the House was gone, though their wealth was no more, stories passed down from generation to generation had embedded themselves in spine and soul, demanding that they stand proud of what they once were, what they still are. Demanding that they should [i]rebuild[/i]. For a time, Kreszenz Leichenberg had believed that. But by the time she was 15, having traveled to the capital of Clover Kingdom from the very edges of the Kingdom and seen the gradation of wealth and privilege, the encroachment of corruption and misery, she formed ideas of her own. Rebellion and Devil-worship, embezzlement and discontent. Liechenberg had turned outwards, trusting the nobility of the land they protected. Kreszenz would not make that mistake. [/cell][/row][/table] [/hider]