[hider=Nephertys Setet - Star Magic:] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]Nephertys[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Setet[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][hider=Appearance][hider=Pics are NSFW!][b][u]Usual Outfit(s):[/u][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aMYzCa5.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/suK1TDI.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Y8TWOR9.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fHkeJn5.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TLsV0WD.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rKdN4Tf.jpg[/img] [b][u]Training Outfit:[/u][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oiYblsN.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [i][sub]| 16 | 166cm/59kg | Female |[/sub] [color=gold]"What's this? A new discovery? How splendid!"[/color][/i] [sup][b]PERSONALITY:[/b] | A good-natured, jovial, bombastic, impulsive and spirited young lady. Nephertys Setet is full of vigor, mirth, curiosity and flair, being bold and courageous, dauntless and sunny. Some would perhaps call her flamboyant or ostentatious, excessive and overbearing, to which the girl would simply laugh and possibly agree with them. She's got thick skin and a great deal of patience, allowing her to endure mud-slinging and uncouth behavior which would send lesser men into a rabid frenzy. She's not an unassailable fortress of tolerance of course, and even she can get mad and upset if pushed too far, it just takes a while to get there. While she's a brave, noble, kind and (some would say overly) generous soul, the Setet heiress isn't exactly what you'd call... OBservant. She's rather terrible at reading the atmosphere in tense or dire situations, she's gullible and blue-eyed - prone to taking things at face value without questioning it, and is a terrible judge of character, as well as absolutely hopeless at reading peoples' faces and intent. Nephy's the kind of person a charlatan would love to meet, and prey on. Having grown up in excess and wealth, the young lady's sense of economic viability and fiscal responsability is very, very skewed. While she can appear like a flashy and showy ditz, prone to unnecessary flair and pomp, Nephy is, at heart an amiable and good person. Always willing to help the less fortunate, loyal and stead fast to friends, family and those she holds dear, taking her role and privilege as part of the nobility seriously, never judging others at a first glance, the Setet girl is a gracious person. Even if she sometimes says or does silly things, or isn't particularly good at her academic studies, or believes that bread grows on trees... A-anyway... Due to her close-knit family, warm and friendly demeanor, Nephy enjoys skinship, and isn't shy about showing her affection for others - even if the time and place isn't really suited for random, impulsive displays of fondness. Finally, the young lady's a good sport, both in victory and defeat, and she isn't the type to hold petty grudges or become obsessive in regards to others. | [b]STAR MAGIC:[/b] | This magic attribute allows the user to generate and manipulate stars at will. The stars appear as spiky clusters and can individually fire beams of magical light and can be forcibly destroyed. By connecting multiple stars, the user can create constellations which generate stronger defenses and attacks. Additionally, the user cann (at higher levels of skill) teleport themselves or others to a spot beneath any star. | [b]SPELLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SPELL LIST][list][*][i]Stellar Photon - Offensive -[/i] This spell conjures up to six stars, all of which are roughly the size of a fully ripe orange. The stars can merge with each other and, as a result, grow bigger. When all eight stars combine, the final result is a star that's about as big as a pilates ball. As for what they do? The stars all shoot beams of magic starlight, at who or whatever the caster aims for. The beams travel in a straight line and do not bend or curve around cover or obstructions. The bigger the stars are, the more powerful their beam is, but this also makes the delay between each shot longer. With more skill and power, more stars may be conjured at once, and the more powerful they become overall. The stars can be moved (within a limited distance of the caster) and directed by the caster, allowing them to attack individual targets - provided the caster can see their mark or has a rough idea of where to shoot - at the same time. Firing backwards or behind themself will always result in blindfire, since nobody has eyes in the back of their neck. [*][i]Ignis Nova - Offensive -[/i] This spell conjures a star that's a little bigger than your standard-issue basketball. The star floats besides, infront of, or above the caster, emitting light. When the caster decides to activate the spell, the star zooms off in the desired direction. This magic construct can bob, weave and float as the caster desires, allowing it to avoid objects, cover and go around corners - although the caster would lose sight of it then and have no real way to know where it was going. At the caster's will, the star shines brighly for a moment, and then bursts into a blast of concussive magic star-energy, damaging anyone and anything within its blast radius. With more power and skill the star gets bigger and so does its range when exploding, as well causing more damage. It also works great as just a lantern or torch in dark places, although that isn't its intended purpose. [*][i]Brilliant Binary Bulwark - Defensive -[/i] This spell conjures two identical stars, both being roughly the size of a standard volleyball. The two stars are always circling and rotating around, or infront of, the caster in either a horizontal or vertical loop. When circling the caster, the two stars generate a hardlight forcefield, translucent and shimmering, around the caster's whole body. When rotating infront of, or to their side, the stars generate a similar circle or disc-shaped shield. Both of these "shiels" provide defense against hostile spells, with the former protecting from all directions, but having less durability, while the latter is much more resilient but can only block directional attacks. Neither form protects against physical attacks. The starts also incapsulate themselves inside the protective hardlight, shielding them from being specifically targeted or destroyed. With more skill and power, the stars will grow bigger and generate a stronger, larger and more durable forcefield. It may also be used to shield other individuals or objects. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]ABILITIES & SKILLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SKILL LIST][list][*][i]Beloved by Mana -[/i] Like many pedigree noble families, Nephertys and her relatives all possess far greater supplies and reserves of magic energy than most. This allows her to cast more spells, or more intense spells, without getting drained or tired as fast as lesser wizards. [*][i]Magic Control -[/i] Nephy might not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but nobody can deny her natural talent when it comes to controlling and using her magic. While not yet at the point of not wasting any mana when casting spells, the amount of residual or excess mana left over after she's done casting is considerably much lower than that of most her peers. Additionally, her spellcraft is both efficient and accurate, regardless of if she's utilizing basic magic or the spells in her grimoire. While part of this is due to her own innate ability, a lot of it also stems from rigorous training and practice, in particular with her father. [*][i]Lucky Star -[/i] Be it the will of fate, the whims of the cosmos, the favor of the gods or just sheer, stupid coincidence, Nephertys has always been very lucky. Be it playing games and winning against all odds, climbing and falling out of a palm tree but landing without a scratch, walking the streets and finding something valuable on the ground... The girl just seems to have the blessing of good fortune. Of course, luck can't save your butt against everything, and even it runs dry eventually, or has its limits. Still, compared to most people, Nephy seems to enjoy more boons than banes in her life. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]GOALS & FEARS:[/b] | She wants to travel to and visit all parts of the CLover Kingdom. She wants to become a respectable and accomplished Magic Knight that her family can be proud of. Also, Nephy wants to be a good noble and ruler for her domain, in the future. | | She sometimes worries about embarrassing or bringing shame to her parents and family name. Gets frantic and worked up if or whenever her younger sbilings get hurt or sick. | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]The eldest daughter of the noble house of Setet, Nephertys has two younger siblings, one brother and one sister. She's also blessed to still have both of her parents. The family's domain is located in a harsh desert region, where water and fertile land is scarce. With the exception of some oasis and small rivers where towns or villages can sustain themselves, most of their land consist of barren, lifeless wastes. However, what the family's territory lacks in greenery, it makes up for in precious minerals - more specifically, gold. Yes, the Setet family's lands are rich in gold, and has the mines needed to extract the valuable metal too. As you might expect then, the noble house is a rather wealthy one. Being able to afford fine clohtes, fine meals, skilled instructors, talented tutors and a whole score of other costly benefits, to say Nephertys childhood was a blessed one would be an understatement. While her parents did their best not to spoil any of their children (too much) they stiill did plenty of splurging. Despite what other nobles may be like though, the heads of the Setet household did take their role as governors seriously enough not to squander or over-spend their resources. After all, living in an enviroment where production of food is really, really limited meant that they had to provide for their people - after all, miners can't work on an empty stomach. The limit of wood and construction-worthy stone was also a shortfall that had to be considered. As such, the nobility used an appropriate amount of their riches to take in traders and caravans to bring the goods and materials into their lands that they couldn't procure natively. This isn't to say the family didn't still tax or work their people, or that they lavished their citizens with constant presents and benefits. Hardly. But if there were things that [i]needed[/i] by the people, like a new storehouse or new work-livestock, or new housing or other amenities, the Setet family did their duty as the ruling nobility and provided. Sure, they threw the occasional festival for their people as well, but that was to be expected of proper nobles, yes? Naturally, there were always those who wanted more or wanted things for themselves, and there was never any shortage of requests or demands made by their subjects - but not everyone would or could get what they wanted. Still, as far as nobility throughout the kingdom goes, you could do a lot worse than the Setet bloodline. Sadly, while money can buy you a lot, it can't solve everything. As unfortunate as it was, even with skilled and accomplished tutors, young Nephy seemed to have a hard time with her academic struggles. Math and other subjects that required a lot of thinking appeared to be rather difficult for the young girl, which was a concern, since she was the next head of the house. On the other hand, things that involved physical activity or magic seemed to come natural to her. Dance, song, self-defense training and magic practice were all subjects young Nephertys showed promise in. Which was a relief, since it meant she was at least good at [i]something[/i]. During her earlier years, her mother handled her magic lessons along with some tutors, but once she passed ten years of age, her father took over. To ensure his child had a handle on, and the skills to, wielding her magic, he personally oversaw her lessons. The man was strict and both showed and demanded discipline. At least where magic was concerned. After all, a sloppy wizard was a potentially dead one, and he had no intention of allowing negligience claim his precious baby girl. That said... While he was a good instructor in this particular field, him and his wife failed to teach their daugher about a great many other things... Things like common sense, or the outside world, or that you shouldn't believe everything people tell you, or that there're actually folks who'll take advantage of you if you're too nice... A fact that would rear it's head in her teen years, and bring no end of headache to her parents. So, Nephy was skilled at aesthetic and amgical undertakings, but laacking in most other areas. Her outgoing, friendly and sunny disposition, coupled with her curiosity and taste for adventure, often saw her venture out and away from the family's estate more and more as she grew older. She'd walk into the town and meet and greet her subject. Some would praise her, some would coddle her, others would give her gifts, and some would play pranks or tell her tall-tales. The young lady's mirthful and gregarious nature made her popular with both the young and old, and the heiress of the Setet lands became quite popular - for varying reasons - in her town. Of course, not everyone befriended or showed her kindness out of goodwill, and yet she was always sweetly oblivious to such treachery, that poor, simple-minded summer's child... As she grew older, Nephy also developed into a rather attractive young woman, resembling her mother quite a bit. This pleased the girl, as she greatly adored and admired her beautiful mother. She developed a habit of wearing flashy outfits or clothes that emphasized or showed off that physique she was becoming more and more proud of. Neph also took her appearance seriously, not wanting to risk losing or marring it. As such, she took to regular excersise and training, along with sticking to a routine of regular workouts and maintaining her fitness. Still, with age also came to desire to see the world. After all, there were only so many places and things you could see in one area before you'd seen it all. Even more so when 90% of what you can see is sand. Thus, after she turned 15 and eventually obtained her grimoire, Nephertys approached ehr parents and declared her intent to travel all across the Clover Kingdom! She reasoned that, as a noble, she should have knowledge and familiarity with all of corners of her nation, not just her own lands. This... Was met with some understandable trepidation. her father, initially outright refsuing this decision, was thankfully calmed by his wife, who engaged in a more... Diplomatic, interaction with her daughter. The details are largely unimportant, but at the end of the day, Nephy was convinced to stay at the Setet estate for another year and train, afterwhich she would take the Magic Knight Exam. If the girl could manage to qualify and be picked by any of the Knight Squads, ehr parents would grant her their blessing in adventuring around the kingdom. But if she didn't get seleccted, she had to return back home and dedicate to further studies and training. Her parents were hoping that, even should their daughter somehow manage to pass the "practical" parts of the exam, any Captain who actually took an interest in her would soon see how... [i]Eccentric[/i] their child was, and promptly send her off. Nephertys, of course, was blissfully unaware of this fact, and quickly passed the time until the day to set off for Kikka finally arrived. [/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [hr] [hider=Camilla Azurios - Bomb Magic (I'M AN NPC NOW!)] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]Camilla[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Azurios[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][hider=Appearance][hider=WARNING! Pictures may be NSFW!][img]https://i.imgur.com/o7GvkOp.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IXHXq3D.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2jzo96u.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Oyvgcqz.png[/img][/hider][/hider] [i][sub]| 17 | 168cm/58kg | Female |[/sub] "Hm~? See something you like, or would you prefer to keep staring at me~?."[/i] [sup][b]PERSONALITY:[/b] | Casual, coy, a bit mischievous, a tease, silly and with a serious amount of patience. For someone who is obviously a noble, Camilla doesn't come off as overly arrogant or haughty, nor does she shove her family name or noble title around either. Her opinion on commoners doesn't seem particularly negative or discriminatory, and she can speak as easily to them as she does to her fellow peerage within high society. Easy-going and seemingly good-natured, she can laugh at jokes - both crass or intelligent - as well as laugh at her own mistakes or short-falls. This said, Camilla does seem to have a rather negative opinion of people with a lot of drive or ambition, or those with big dreams or lofty goals. It's not so much that she'll directly act aggressive to such people, rather she takes a critical stance, often questioning their motives, methods or the very result and its effects. She seems to also dislike those who work overly hard or put in excessive amount of effort, into anything. Though, if things get too heated, she'll simply clasp her hands together, give you a wink while poking her tongue out and giggle disarmingly. Her favorite things seem to be cute things, and she's particularly fond of cute girls. She can get rather playful with them, both in a flirtatious and sometimes more physical manner. The young lady's also prone to silly exaggerative or theatrical behavior, using different tones of voice or gestures - though this seems to be done for nothing but her own amusement, being unconcerned with if she may appear ridiculous to others. For the most part, she seems to only be interested in having a good time and enjoying herself most of the time. Despite her friendly and sometiems "older sister"-vibe, Camilla seems to never let anyone get too close, or beomce too seriously involved or attached to others, prefering to keep them at arm's length. | [b]BOMB MAGIC:[/b] | This magic is focuse dn one thing and one thing only: Things that go BOOM! Be they small or big, directional, radial or dome-shaped, be they harmful or distracting - at the end of the day, they all blow up and they all do something to the unfortunate souls caught in their blast-radius. Anyone who uses this type of magic can truly be called "Da Bomb"! | [b]SPELLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SPELL LIST][list][*][i]Jet Blaster - Offensive/Utility -[/i] This spell creates a cylndrically shaped bomb, which releases a powerful stream of super-heated matter in a single direction, much like a jet engine. If the caster uses them on their legs, shoulders, back oar arms - and has at least two of them - they can use this spell to create some kind of impromptu "jet pack" which lets them fly. Other usees include using a single with both hands and aiming it at bad guys, making it something like a mid-to-short ranged flame-or-plasmathrower. This latter option can also be used if one needs to cut through things like a solid metal gate, turning the bomb into a blow-torch. Of course, as with all bombs, they can explode - especially if struck by outside force. To keep the "jet stream" going, the caster also needs to constantly supply magic energy to the bomb. With increased skill/power the spell becomes more mana efficient and the expelled matter becomes hotter. [*][i]Bowling Boom - Offensive -[/i] This spell creates one of those black, orb-like bombs with the little fuse sticking out of one end. The caster then sends it off by rolling it like a bowling ball. As it rolls, the bomb grows and becomes larger, until it reaches a maximum size of a wheelbarrow. At any time, the caster can detornate the bomb, causing an explosion appropriate to the spell's size. If it collides with anything that can stop its movement, it also blows up on its own. With more skill/power, the bomb grows in size faster and can grow larger. [*][i]Smokepopper - Defensive/Utility -[/i] This spell creates a bomb that the caster can either throw or simply drop on the ground. When it hits the floor, it starts spewing out a thick, dense and obscuring white smoke that covers an area. The smoke is extreemly dense and makes seeing into, or past it, nearly impossible - or at least very, very hard. Staying in the smoke causes some mild irritation to the eyes, nose and your breathing, but it isn't toxic or hazardous to the health otherwise. This spell's mainly useful for creating an obstacle for enemies, some light cover to hide in or behind, or a distraction or tool for running away. With more skill/power this spell covers a larger are and the smoke sticks around for longer. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]ABILITIES & SKILLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SKILL LIST][list][*][i]Sweet-talker -[/i] Due to her frequent visits to various establishments of a... Carnal nature... Camilla has developed a talent for the the art seduction and leading people on. While she may not be able to sway everyone with honeyed words, a gentle touch on the shoulder or eyes that say 'come hither', this skill can nontheless still prove useful in many situations. The young lady has seemingly no shame in using this ability to get what she wants, and leaving her victims blue-balled or, sometimes, knocked out cold. [*][i]Masquerade -[/i] Camilla is very skilled at keeping her face and expressions, both facial and bodily, in check. Because of this, it can be very difficult to read or feel her out, and more often than not she may very well turn the table on anyone who tries to get a read on her. She's not a flawless poker-faced professional of course, and sometimes or during certain circumstances, her mask may very well crack. But, she's quick to regain her composure even in those moments. [*][i]Scary Lady -[/i] Be it because of nightmares, trauma or a vivid imagination, Camilla has devveloped a very disturbing ability to frighten people. This often comes in the form of horribly terifying threats and/or implications, and the girl can make her usual sweet and beautiful face look like that of a sadistic, deranged and callous sociopth who is fully read to cut off all your fingers, then feed them to you, then start carving off your nose and ears, all while humming a childrens' lullaby. Some people, of course, are rough as nails and either aren't, or can't, be intimidated, but those that can will find the young lady Azurios very unsettling when she interrogates them.[/list][/hider] [sup][b]GOALS & FEARS:[/b] | Camilla seems to only be out for, and to have, a good time and enjoy her life. She has no grand ambition or great, life-long dream, prefering instead to live in the here and now, to be happy in the moment. She's also worried about not being a good leader and not being able to govern her lands properly, in the future. | | The Revolutionary Group that murdered her family. To be captured and imprisoned, to be tortured and to die a slow and painful death. Getting close to and losing people she might care for again. | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]Camilla hails from the eastern parts of the Clover Kingdom. Her family, the Azurios, were originally nothing more than a Baronet, that over the years grew in power, prestige and repuation, eventually rising through the ranks of the nobility. Despite their accomplishments and deeds, there were many among their peers who still viewed them as "pretend nobles" or "uppity commoners with a few accomplishments under their belt". Basically, they were never truly acknowledged as "proper" nobility by most other blue bloods, except for when it was beneficial, of course. Camilla's life started off fairly text-book. She was born as the eldest child, received education and training in a multitude of fields, including history, etiquette, politics, economics, dance, song, music, fashion, diplomacy and so on and so forth, the usual nobleman's fair. She was a bright and gifted student, perhaps not a genius or prodigy, but well above the average. Soon afterher 10th birthday, her mother gave birth to the second child of the family, Camilla's younger sister. The girl was immediately smitten witht this adorable little angel, fussing and fawning over her incessantly. Life continued in the Azurios household and all was well, until it wasn't. Sometime after Camilla had turned 14, her home was unfortunately attacked. The assailants were members of the recently growing Revolutionary group - or so they announced wwhen the attack commenced - the ones wanting to cast down the nobility and seize power for themselves. The Azurios family had always been well-respected by their subjects, so it was hard to believe that these miscreants were natives of their territory - but that wasn't important. What was impotant is that these hooligans broke into Camilla's manor at night, and began to attack everyone inside. They murdered the servants and staff, they killed the family's pets and eventually cornered and slew both of Camilla's parents. Even worse, they got to Camilla's younger sister before she did, and killed the poor girl, a child of only 4 years. Be it by luck, fate or some other power entirely however, Camilla managed to escape her home and flee into the darkness of night. But she couldn't remain in her own domain. Stricken with fear, guilt, anger and confusion, she couldn't bring herself to trust any of the commoners in her own landn, much less any that lived elswhere. In her mind she understood the rationale and motives of the revolutionists, her father had talked to her about it many a time, but in her heart, at that point in time... She hated them. Every last one of them. They wanted equality and 'freedom' by murdering their own just because they served nobility? They wanted it so badly that they'd kill innocent children without a second thought? They always claimed the nobility were tyrannical monster.... But who were the real monsters here? Following that night, Camilla fled to the neighbouring territory of their family's closest, and perhaps their only, real ally. A noble house by the naem of Viridius. After hearing the young girl's tale and seeing her distress, the good neighbour gathered their forces and marched on the domain of Azurios. Alas, the culprits had already fled. There was no justice, no vindication, only a house full of dead friends and loved ones. She had spent so much time trying to become an heiress her parents could be proud of. She'd worked so hard to excel and succeed at her studies. She'd done her best to be a good role model and a big sister her younger sibling could look up to and respect. She'd been diligent and dutiful in taking her role and responsabilities as a noble seriously. But in just one night, all of that effort, all that hard work and all that she'd toiled for, had been reduced to ash and rendered meaningless. After the Viridius family had helped clear her home and secure it, as well as clean it up, Lord Viridus vowed to aid in the investigation and capture of these vile criminal scum. Camilla thanked him, melancholically, and returned home. But, she was different now. The tragedy had deeply affected her. She became less concerned with the duties she had, less concerned with the obligations she needed to shoulder. She became more frivilous, more self-indulged. She neglected her domain and her people, seeking only to gain comfort and solace for her own pain. Now, the house of Azurios is on the verge of collapse. The territory is falling apart, her house is in financial debt and her people are on the verge of breaking. Also, in addition, news reached her that the Magic Knights had carried out their investigation and captured a pair of informants belonging to the Revolutionary Group. Naturally, they weren't the men directly responsible, and their claims were that their organization had nothing to do with the attack - that it was [i]radicalized elements[/i] who [i]didn't represent[/i] their organization that were to blame. Obviously, this information made no change to Camilla. Though, things couldn't stay as they were for much longer. Perhaps as a means to appease them, or perhaps as a last-ditch effort toremedy the situation, Camilla has chosen to enlist with the Magic Knights. Perhaps she seks to use the pay from this service to rid herself of the loan and debt she's acrued. Perhaps she seeks to use it as a means to safeguard and rebuild her crumbling domain. Or, perhaps, she's just joining them to escape having to deal with the situation entirely. Whatever the case may be, Camilla remains seemingly unplussed and disinerested in sharing any details. [/cell][/row][/table] [/hider]