[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Open for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya Twitched as the woman spoke a little, her implication that her little Inn was not to her standards. Sure it was a little rough and rudimentary, the things were not the biggest or best they could be. This was a new town, a border town and one on the edge of the dead line as some called the border. Blight line, cursed woods…so many names. But this place was not the capital if she wanted fancy paintings and city living… Dawn Haven was not the place. She had used spices and things…it was however that they were far from a fresh supply of the highest quality goods even with Sunni aid and contacts. Dawn Haven was still being built. Sya had…plans to double the Inn and even start to engage in production of refined alcohol. “Greetings Becky" she said cheerfully, replying as she ran though her words, Sya kept listening but handed an ale to the knight who headed back to his drawings. She noted his order on a book under the country and tallied I against Lord Coswains account. [color=a2d39c]“Just call me Sya. It's easier”[/color] She said as the woman had a harder time with her borderlands name, she was not Lunarian, not Auralian…both…but not…. Her people just had a pact with Auralia at times. [color=a2d39c]“it's not pretty, but it stays at a fairly level temperature and it's dry.”[/color] Sya said honestly about the basement, it was utilitarian But has been built properly and was at least dry and would not dip below freezing.[color=a2d39c] “One moment. I'll be back with bedding” [/color]Sya put her name into the book and set up a margin to get any expenses or credits recorded. Sya vanished quickly and quietly up the stairs to the second floor grabbing A spare set, it was not the best, but it would have to do for the purposes today. The Inn was maxed out, she had 7 guests in 4 rooms though one might be invited or come to her bedroom instead sometimes. Finding a blanket, it was a little…well…less good but the set would have to do. She returned in a few minutes with a bundle of bedding and a dish with a candle and a spare. [color=a2d39c]“Sorry Miss Hill, I am already full upstairs so this is the best I can put together. No bed but there are a sturdy few boards and old crates that can keep you off the ground.”[/color] She gestured at the bedding. It was not the best but it was mostly clean, warm and did not have holes In. “[color=a2d39c]Its warm, and you will sleep a lot better than in the snow.”[/color] She said, Sya had slept In far worse places with far less but did not voice that and nudged her hood to maintain her Blight born traits from being too obvious. Sya knew Lunarians…were actively hostile to her kind in their lands. [color=a2d39c]"It can do till, better.. other options open up."[/color] Sya remembered what she said earlier about baking, she was not going to take this woman on her word about contacts or her skills. [color=a2d39c]“I tend to cook, I try my best, we have some spices, but imports are difficult and expensive and most luxury caravans prefer Bigger cities.”[/color] She spoke honestly and looked at the woman, judging her body language and It seemed… Well not outright hostile… She could work with neutrality. If a bit suspicious. She also challenged the woman a little to insult her cooking, it might not be the best, but Sya tried and honestly worked hard to run the Inn, however humble. [color=a2d39c]“You can try in the morning if that's OK with you. No promises, for all I know you can burn a salad. practical test.”[/color] Sya was a little blunt but honest. She had no idea of this woman's skills, the only way would be a test. I'm the real practical world of the kitchen. Sya spoke softer and more carefully chose her words. [color=a2d39c]“This town is… your find that Emberkin…Blightborn live here freely, you do not need to like them, But the Prince will punish trouble regardless of who. This place is not like anywhere else, its only fair to know before you find out by ending up with his displeasure.”[/color] Sya said she had not believed the claims that blight born walked openly in Dawn Haven till she saw with own eye. [color=a2d39c]“Dawn Haven might be a challenge to adjust, I will not lie to you.”[/color] Sya said everything honestly but had chosen her wording extremely carefully. She hoped Becky knew what she was going to be walking into, Dawn Haven was a place that some would not last long in. [@amorphical]