When Jørmund suggested that Mar'a'gan take the furs to the people personally to show that it spoke the truth about there being strings attached to the gift, the imp's expression took on a thoughtful aspect as it considered the earth genasi's words. "You make quite the good point." Mar'a'gan declared before Cascade cut in. Though the water genasi had meant to be frightening, and indeed seemed to be so to all around her, Mar'a'gan reacted to the display as one might react to a truly awe inspiring performance. Once Cascade had made her threat and the accompanying effect had ended, Mar'a'gan leaped to its feet and applauded the paladin with a standing ovation. "Bravo! [i]Bravo![/i]" The imp exclaimed as he clapped. "My, what a breathtaking display! If my life was in any true danger on the Prime Material, I would be fleeing for it right now."