Aura rolled here eyes as the imp continued speaking and Jormund lead the horses away from the situation. Aura turned to follow the Earth Genasi. [color=bc8dbf]"We are leaving now, good bye, make sure to pass on our disinterest to your masters."[/color] She sang as she walked away Hawk peeking out from where he hid in her clothing and using his own scorpion like tail in a gesture similar to one someone would use to say they are watching someone else, pointing it first toward himself and then toward the imp. Whether or not it was Hawk's own sassyness or on Aura's mental command was unclear. Though once Aura managed to get back up on the moving cart she did transfer her senses to Hawk to keep an eye on the Imp as the group left it standing in the cold with all of its "rewards" in its possession still.