Flicker's expression had continued darkening throughout this conversation, particularly when Aura decided to humour the imp in reading his contract. Once again, it took all of Flicker's strength not to say anything, instead folding their arms and watching as the air genasi looked over the terms and conditions. Small sparks began to fly from Flicker's hair, increasing with every passing second. Fortunately, Aura didn't go through with it, quickly seeing it for the poor deal it was, and both she and Jørmund encouraged the group to head onwards and ignore the fiend. Flicker was about take a step forward when Cascade decided to unleash some, erm, 'choice words' towards the imp, even taking out a trident and telling him to get lost. Flicker raised both their eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the normally affable paladin to become so angry so quickly. Normally, they wouldn't encourage hot-headed behaviour, but given the circumstsances, they couldn't really fault her. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to scare the imp any, the fiend merely clapping like they'd witnessed a show. Sensing this wouldn't go down well with Cascade, Flicker quickly placed a hand on the water genasi's shoulder. [color=f7941d]"Don't let him get to you,"[/color] they said. [color=f7941d]"I think he's deliberately trying to rile you up at this point. If he [i]does[/i] show up at your village, I will be right there with you to kick him out, but as it stands, he's really not worth it right now."[/color] They cast a very pointed side-glance in the imp's direction as they spoke.