[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee] [@Randomguy] [@GOATPlumber] [@Digmata][/center] [hr] [quote]Gajah Mada replied, [color=39b54a]"Ah yes, on that matter...we also knew his identity, and yours too, actually,[/color] turning to Shielder, she added, [color=39b54a]"The young Emperor there did shout it out for everyone to see. By this point, I imagine that most participants are already aware, I doubt that my master was the only one who had surveillance set up."[/color][/quote] Jan's face contorts into shock as he pales. It made sense, tragically. Jan had wanted to attract attention to strike first, so of course he would be watched. But had his powers of perception evaded him so thoroughly as to not notice [i]any[/i] observers? The Spider Familiar was bad enough. But this was downright shameful. He could practically hear his lovely wife working herself up into a furious lecture. Ah, even when ripping him to shreds verbally, her voice was so beautiful.. Like the world's most irate symphony. He finds himself lost in memories of his wife for a moment, which causes the conversation to begin to outpace him. He still heard what was said, he simply did not find himself swift enough to respond in time. Saber, whomever she was, clearly spoke with wisdom. Jan found it a bit enviable, wishing he had a bit of that himself. Lord knows it would have done him wonders whilst he was still alive. But as Envy was a sin, he discards those feelings swiftly as he could manage. She spoke of potentially misled servants, reasonable caution, and offered alliances with open palms. Jan found himself.. hesitant. He sensed no ill will from her, but as he had recently found out, his perceptive prowess was less than stellar! Besides, alliances.. They never seemed to go his way. He suffered no betrayals, per say. Rather.. He recalls quite vividly doing a massive amount of work. Performing feats worthy of manifesting as a Servant and being labeled a savior of Christendom. Only for Poland to not benefit whatsoever from these efforts. Before any of that, though. He had to speak to Shielder about revealing his True Name, and this idea of penance. As Constantine turned to face Saber.. [i]Thwap![/i] Jan smacks him upside the head. Not nearly hard enough to be damaging, but evidently scolding the younger Servant. Not for the reason one may think, however. [b][color=fff79a]"Enough of that, Emperor! Atonement you say? Indiscretion you say? Pah! Nonsense. When you revealed my True Name, we stood across each other on a field of battle. Certainly it is deeply unfortunate that such a valued piece of tactical information was revealed about myself.."[/color][/b] [color=fff79a][b]"But when you have information on a foe, which at the time I was, it is [i]your[/i] choice whether to use it or leave it unused. I am quite cross, but you were well within your rights as a Servant. So do not lower your head."[/b][/color] This was Jan Sobieski. A man who could not bring himself to hate his enemies. Even when they were the invading Ottoman Empire, eager to crush Christianity, he found their power and dedication admirable, even as he opposed them with all his might. In his eyes, this had been sorted. To him, Shielder should be lamenting revealing his own True Name more than Jan's. It was proof that while lacking wisdom and maturity, this was the virtuous Emperor Constantine. He turns his attention now to Saber, dipping his head in apology for derailing the conversation momentarily. [b][color=fff79a]"I confess, Saber, I was eager to test my mettle against yourself and the Emperor, here. Your idea, however, seems much wiser than mine! I will of course have to see what my Master thinks of your proposition. But until I can give you a definitive answer, I will stay my hand."[/color][/b] Mentally, he relays a message to Lord Kayneth through their connection. [i][color=fff79a][b]What say you, Lord El-Melloi? Shall we align ourselves with Saber and the Rogue Shielder? The idea is not without risks, but it seems as though it would grant us a powerful advantage.[/b][/color][/i] Regardless of his Master's answer, Jan keeps his eyes trained on the battlefield. The gaze of a veteran commander taking in the two other Servants. Yes, after an embarrassing first showing.. He would [i]not[/i] be taken unawares again. Jan solemnly swore as much. All without knowing that while his focus on the two already revealed was keen and sharp as a blade, directly behind him, another Servant had arrived.