[@Dyelli Beybi] [color=0054a6][h1] [center]Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann [/center][/h1][/color] Not noticing that he was being spoken to, he turned his head towards Harper, taking a moment to process what was happening before speaking to her. “[color=0054a6][i]Are you talking to me? I guess could show you what I can do.[/i][/color]” He did see an example of her magical abilities. It was pretty impressive, and he wondered what other spells the others specialized in. The young man put his energy drink on the table before him. He opened his backpack and shoved his hand in, trying to fish something out of it. A few moments later, he held the Raggedy Andy doll. He sat on the table and grabbed his wand from his jacket pocket. He closed his eyes and concentrated while speaking about the ancient incantations of his family. Soon enough, the Raggedy Andy doll stood on the table, bowing toward the women in the room. It then started to dance on the table effortlessly, avoiding the things on it. It jumped from the table and onto Helmut’s lap. Jumping and dancing on the laps of those who were seated. Moved back onto Helmut, lifelessly crumpling onto Helmut’s lap. “[color=0054a6][i]I have a spell that can control various toys, and it is very useful for guerrilla warfare and stealth.[/i][/color]” He put the Raggedy Andy doll away with a smile.